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# about_AcctADIdentitySnapIn




The Active Directory Identity Service PowerShell snap-in provides
administrative functions for the Active Directory Identity Service.


All commands in this snap-in have the noun prefixed with 'Acct'.


The Active Directory Identity Service PowerShell snap-in enables both local
and remote administration of the Active Directory Identity Service.  It
provides facilities to store details about Active Directory computer
accounts that the Machine Creation Service can use.

The snap-in provides two main entities:

    A representation of an Active Directory computer account that reflects
    the state of the account within the context of the Machine Creation
    Service.  When an account is created by or imported into the Active
    Directory Identity Service, the account password is stored.  Once the
    account is consumed by the Machine Creation Service, the  
    password is discarded.  For accounts registered with the Active
    Directory Identity Service, identities hold the following additional
    state information.

        The Active Directory account is registered with the service, the
        password for the account is known, and the account is available to
        be consumed by another service.  Accounts that are successfully
        created with the New-AcctADAccount command or imported using the
        Add-ADAccount command, are initially assigned this state.

        The Active Directory account is registered and has been consumed by
        another service.  The password for the account is no longer known
        to the service.

        The Active Directory account is registered, but is missing,
        disabled, or locked within Active Directory.  Accounts that are not
        successfully created with the New-AcctADAccount command or imported
        using the Add-ADAccount command appear in this state.  Use the
        Update-AcctADAccount and Repair-AcctADAccount commands  
        to resolve issues with accounts in this state.

        The Active Directory account is registered and has been released
        by all the consuming services, but cannot be made available for use
        as the password is no longer known.  Use the Repair-AcctADAccount
        command to reset account passwords and restore the
        account state to 'Available'.

    Identities can also be marked as 'Locked' by the Machine Creation
    Service to indicate that they are in use and must not be changed.
    These services are also responsible for unlocking the Active Directory
    accounts when they no longer require exclusive access.  Use the  
    Unlock-AcctADAccount command to allow the lock to be
    overriden, if necessary.

Identity Pool
    Containers for identities that can be configured with all the
    information required for new Active Directory accounts to be created.
    Alternatively, identity pools can be populated by importing accounts
    that already exist in Active Directory.  All accounts registered with
    the Active Directory Identity Service must be placed into one of these
    containers.  An identity can belong to more than one identity pool, but
    the state of the identity cannot be different in each pool.  For
    example, an identity that is in use will be marked 'InUse' in all the
    identity pools of which it is part.

    To avoid conflicting changes, identity pools can also be marked as 'Locked'  
    during operations that modify the content of a pool.  These         
    operations are also responsible for unlocking the identity pool.  Use the
    unlock-AcctIdentityPool command to allow the lock to be overridden,
    if necessary.


Account Creation (using the New-AcctADAccount command)
    To use PowerShell to create new Active Directory accounts, the runspace
    must be run using an account with sufficient permissions in the
    required Active Directory container (specified by the identity pool
    organizational unit parameter) for accounts to be created.

Import Accounts (using the Add-AcctADAccount command)
    There are two modes for this operation: situations where the Active
    Directory account passwords are known and situations where the
    passwords are not known.

    If the account passwords are known, the accounts can be imported
    without the need for administrative permissions in Active Directory.
    The accounts are imported and the password provided is used to change
    the existing password.

    If the passwords are not known, the runspace must be run using an account
    that has permissions to reset the password for the accounts.