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Citrix Receiver for Linux 13.5 Command Reference

The tables below list Citrix Receiver for Linux 13.5 command-line parameters. 


A list of the parameters can be obtained typing wfica or storebrowse with the -?-help, or -h options.


You can use a connection file simply by typing its name after wfica without any of the following options.

To Type
Specify the custom connection to use from the Connection file.

Note: With the new self-service UI, you cannot set up a custom connection in this way.
-desc <description> or -description <description>
Specify a desktop file used for launch. -desktop <filename>
Specify a connection file. -file connection <filename>
Set alternative protocol file. This enables the use of an alternative module.ini. -protocolfile filename
Set alternative client configuration file. This enables the use of an alternative wfclient.ini. -clientfile filename
Display a different name for Citrix Receiver, specified by name, wherever that name appears. The default name is the device name. However, if you use a Sunray device, the default name is derived from the device’s MAC address. This is overridden by the ClientName entry in .ICAClient/wfclient.ini, which is itself overridden by issuing the -clientname name command. -clientname name
Show this list of parameters. -help
Display version information. -version
Show error numbers and string. -errno
Set the location of Receiver installation files. This is equivalent to setting the ICAROOT environment variable. --icaroot directory
Suppress connection dialog boxes. -quiet
Enable key logging. -keylog
Set session geometry. -geometry WxH+X+Y
Set color depth. -depth <4 | 8 | 16 | 24 | auto>
Set monitor spanning. -span [h][o][a|mon1[,mon2[,mon3,mon4]]]
Use private colormap. -private
Use shared colormap. -shared
Specify a string to be added to a published application. -param string
Specify the UNIX path to be accessed through client drive mapping by a published application. -fileparam unixpath
Specify a user name. -username username
Specify a disguised password. -password password
Specify a clear text password. -clearpassword "clear password"
Specify a domain. -domain domain
Specify an initial program. -program program
Specify a directory for the initial program to use. -directory directory
Turn on sound. -sound
Turn off sound -nosound
Set drive mapping overrides. These are of the form A$=path, where path can contain an environment variable (for example A$=$HOME/tmp). This option must be repeated for each drive to be overridden. For the override to work, there must be an existing mapping, although it need not be enabled. -drivemap string


All wfica command line options can also be specified in the environment variable WFICA_OPTS, allowing them to be used with the Receiver native UI or with Citrix StoreFront.


The following table documents the options that you can use with the storebrowse utility.

Option Description Notes
-L, --launch Specifies the name of the published resource to which you want to connect. This launches a connection to a published resource. The utility then terminates, leaving a successfully connected session.
-E, --enumerate Enumerates the available resources. By default, the resource name, display name, and folder of the resource are displayed. Additional information can be displayed, by using the --details option.
-S, --subscribed Lists the subscribed resources. By default, the resource name, display name, and folder of the resource are displayed. Additional information can be displayed using the --details option.
-M, --details Use in conjunction with the -E or -S option. Selects which attributes of published applications are returned. This option takes an argument that is the sum of the numbers corresponding to the required details: Publisher(0x1), VideoType(0x2), SoundType(0x4), AppInStartMenu(0x8), AppOnDesktop(0x10), AppIsDesktop(0x20), AppIsDisabled(0x40), WindowType(0x80), WindowScale(0x100), DisplayName(0x200), and AppIsMandatory(0x10000). CreateShortcuts(0x100000) can be used in conjunction with -S, -s, and -u to create menu entries for subscribed applications. RemoveShortcuts(0x200000) can be used with -S to delete all menu entries. Some of these details are not available through storebrowse. If this is the case, the output is 0. Values can also be expressed in decimal as well as hexadecimal (for example, 512 for 0x200).
-v, --version Writes the version number of storebrowse to the standard output.
-?, -h, --help Lists the usage for storebrowse. An abbreviated version of this table appears.
-U, --username Passes the user name to the server. When used with StoreFront, the site must be configured to support HTTP BasicAuth, otherwise these will be ignored.
-P, --password Passes the password to the server. When used with StoreFront, the site must be configured to support HTTP BasicAuth, otherwise these will be ignored.
-D, --domain Passes the domain to the server. When used with StoreFront, the site must be configured to support HTTP BasicAuth, otherwise these will be ignored.
-r, --icaroot Specifies the root directory of the Receiver for Linux installation. If not specified, the value is determined at run time.
-i, --icons Use in conjunction with the -E, or -S option. Fetches desktop or application icons, in PNG format, of the size and depth given by the best or size argument.
If the best argument is used, the best sized icon available on the server is fetched. You can convert this to any size required. The best argument is the most efficient for storage and bandwidth, and can simplify scripting.
If the size argument is used, an icon is fetched of the specified size and depth.
In both cases, icons are saved in a file for each of the resources that the –E or -S option returns.
The best argument creates an icon of the form <resource name>.png.
The size argument is of the form WxB, where W is the width of the icon (all icons are square, so only one value is needed to specify the size), and B is the color depth (that is, the number of bits per pixel). W is required but B is optional. If it is not specified, icons of all available image depths are fetched for that size. The files that are created are named <resource name>_WxWxB.png.
-u, --unsubscribe Unsubscribes the specified resource from the given store.
-s, --subscribe Subscribes the specified resource from the given store. If you use a different Receiver, subscriptions on Program Neighborhood Agent servers are lost.
-W [r|R], --reconnect [r|R] Reconnects disconnected and active sessions. r reconnects all disconnected sessions for the user. R reconnects all active and disconnected sessions.
-WD, --disconnect Disconnects all sessions. Only affects sessions to the store specified on the command line.
-WT, --logoff Logs off all sessions. Only affects sessions to the store specified on the command line.
-l, --liststores Lists the known StoreFront stores, that is those that storebrowse can contact. These are the stores registered with the ServiceRecord proxy. Also lists Program Neighborhood sites.
-a, --addstore Registers a new store, including its gateway and beacon details, with the Service Record daemon. Returns the full URL of the store. If this fails, an error is reported.
-g, --storegateway Sets the default gateway for a store that is already registered with the Service Record daemon. This command takes the following form: ./util/storebrowse --storegateway "<unique gateway name>" '<store URL>'
Important: The unique gateway name must be in the list of gateways for the specified store.
-d, --deletestore Deregisters a store with the Service Record daemon.
-c, --configselfservice Gets and sets the self-service UI settings that are stored in StoreCache.ctx. Takes an argument of the form <entry[=value]>. If only entry is present, the setting's current value is printed. If a value is present, it is used to configure the setting. Example: storebrowse --configselfservice SharedUserMode=True
Important: Both entry and value are case sensitive. Commands that use this option will fail if the case is different to the documented case of the setting itself (in StoreCache.ctx).
-C, --addCR Reads the provided Citrix Receiver (CR) file, and prompts the user to add each store. The output is the same as -a but might contain more than one store, separated by newlines.
-K, --killdaemon Terminates the storebrowse daemon process. All credentials and tokens are purged.



The pnabrowse utility is deprecated but can still query Program Neighborhood Agent sites that run the Web Interface for lists of servers and published resources, and lets you connect to a published resource. Citrix discourages the use of pnabrowse with StoreFront stores; use storebrowse instead. storebrowse can prompt for credentials from sites and stores. The -U, -P and -D options only work with Program Neighborhood Agent sites.

An optional argument of pnabrowse specifies the server to connect to. This may be either:

  • The name of the XenApp server, for options -S and -A.
  • The URL of the server running Web Interface, for options -E and -L.

    The pnabrowse utility returns an exit value indicating success or failure, and can use the following options with XenApp:

    Option Description
    -S List servers, one per line.
    -A List published applications, one per line.
    -m Used in conjunction with -A, this expands the information returned about published applications to include Publisher, Video Type, Sound Type, AppInStartMenu, AppOnDesktop, AppIsDesktop, AppIsDisabled, Window Type, WindowScale, and Display Name.
    -M Used in conjunction with -A, this selects individual columns of information returned about published applications. It takes an argument (1-1023) which is the sum of the numbers corresponding to the required details: Publisher(1), Video Type(2), Sound Type(4), AppInStartMenu(8), AppOnDesktop(16), AppIsDesktop(32), AppIsDisabled(64), Window Type(128), Window Scale(256), and DisplayName(512).
    -c When appended to option -A, create files specifying the minimum information the client engine needs to connect to published applications; for example, application name, browse server, window resolution, color depth, audio, and encryption settings. File names are formatted as follows: /tmp/xxx_1.ica, /tmp/xxx_2.ica where xxx is replaced by the decimal process identifier for the pnabrowse process.
    -d Used in conjunction with -L to specify the XDG desktop file.
    -e Shows error numbers.
    -i Include paths to files containing icon images for published applications in the output from option -A. Either .xpm or .png files are returned depending on the use of the size (WxB) option:
  • -i returns 16x16 icons in XPM format at 4 bits per pixel
  • -iWxB returns WxW icons in PNG format at B bits per pixel
  • -f Include Citrix XenApp folder names for published applications in the output from option -A.
    -u Specify a user name for authenticating the user to a proxy server.
    -p Specify a password for authenticating the user to a proxy server.

    The following options provide Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Services functionality and can be used with both XenApp and XenDesktop functionality:

    Option Description
    -D Specify a domain for authenticating the user to the server running the Web Interface or the server running the Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Service.
    -E Invoke Citrix XenApp and enumerate all published resources.
    If you specify both -E and -L, the last option on the command line takes effect. The utility then terminates, possibly leaving a connection open.
    For each resource the following details are written to standard output, enclosed in single quotation marks and separated by tab characters:
    Name: The display name from the Access Management Console Application Properties dialog box.
    Folder: The Program Neighborhood folder from the Access Management Console Application Properties dialog box.
    Type: Either Application or Content.
    Icon: The full path name of an .xpm format icon file.
    -L Specify the name of the published resource to which you want to connect. This invokes Citrix XenApp and launches a connection to a published resource. If you specify both -E and-L, the last option on the command line takes effect. The utility then terminates, possibly leaving a connection open.
    -N Specify a new password. This option must be used with existing credentials and is valid only when the existing password has expired, as indicated by the exit code 238: E_PASSWORD_EXPIRED.
    -P Specify a password for authenticating the user to the server running the Web Interface or the server running the Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Service.
    -U Specify a user name for authenticating the user to the server running the Web Interface or the server running the Citrix XenApp (Program Neighborhood Agent) Service.
    -WD Disconnects all active sessions for the user.
    -WT Terminates all sessions for the user.
    -Wr Reconnects to all disconnected sessions for the user.
    -WR Reconnects to all sessions (active or disconnected) for the user.
    -k Use an existing Kerberos ticket to authenticate, rather than user name, password, and domain. This requires configuration of the client and server. For more information, see the Using Kerberos with Citrix Receiver for Linux Guide. This is available from Citrix under a non-disclosure agreement.

    The following common options are used:

    Option Description
    -q Quiet mode; do not print error messages.
    -r Include raw icon data for published applications in the output from options -E or -A.
    -V Displays version details.
    -h Print a usage message listing the options.
    -? Print a usage message listing the options.