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Citrix XenServer Management API


XenAPI Classes

Click on a class to view the associated fields and messages.

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Classes, Fields and Messages

Classes have both fields and messages. Messages are either implicit or explicit where an implicit message is one of:

  • a constructor (usually called "create");
  • a destructor (usually called "destroy");
  • "get_by_name_label";
  • "get_by_uuid"
  • "get_record"; and
  • "get_all".

Explicit messages include all the rest, more class-specific messages (e.g. "VM.start", "VM.clone")

Every field has at least one accessor depending both on its type and whether it is read-only or read-write. Accessors for a field named "X" would be a proper subset of:

  • set_X: change the value of field X (only if it is read-write);
  • get_X: retrieve the value of field X;
  • add_to_X: add a key/value pair (only if field has type set or map); and
  • remove_from_X: remove a key (only if a field has type set or map).

Class: auth

Management of remote authentication services





string set get_group_membership (string)

This calls queries the external directory service to obtain the transitively-closed set of groups that the the subject_identifier is member of.

Parameters: string subject_identifier   A string containing the subject_identifier, unique in the external directory service

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: set of subject_identifiers that provides the group membership of subject_identifier passed as argument, it contains, recursively, all groups a subject_identifier is member of.

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   
string get_subject_identifier (string)

This call queries the external directory service to obtain the subject_identifier as a string from the human-readable subject_name

Parameters: string subject_name The human-readable subject_name, such as a username or a groupname

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the subject_identifier obtained from the external directory service

Published in:   XenServer 5.5
(string → string) map get_subject_information_from_identifier (string)

This call queries the external directory service to obtain the user information (e.g. username, organization etc) from the specified subject_identifier

Parameters: string subject_identifier   A string containing the subject_identifier, unique in the external directory service

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: key-value pairs containing at least a key called subject_name

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   

Class: blob

A placeholder for a binary blob


datetime last_updated [read-only]

Time at which the data in the blob was last updated

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which the data in the blob was last updated
string mime_type [read-only]

The mime type associated with this object. Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' if the empty string is supplied

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The mime type associated with this object. Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' if the empty string is supplied
string name_description [read/write]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read/write]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
bool public [read/write]

True if the blob is publicly accessible

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   True if the blob is publicly accessible
int size [read-only]

Size of the binary data, in bytes

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Size of the binary data, in bytes
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


blob ref create (string, bool)

Create a placeholder for a binary blob

Parameters: string mime_type    The mime-type of the blob. Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' if the empty string is supplied

bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference to the created blob

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Create a placeholder for a binary blob
void destroy (blob ref)

Parameters: blob ref self   The reference of the blob to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0

Class: Bond



Values: balance-slb Source-level balancing

active-backup   Active/passive bonding: only one NIC is carrying traffic

lacp    Link aggregation control protocol


int links_up [read-only]

Number of links up in this bond

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Number of links up in this bond

PIF ref master [read-only]

The bonded interface

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   The bonded interface
bond_mode mode [read-only]

The algorithm used to distribute traffic among the bonded NICs

Default value:  balance-slb

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration

PIF ref primary_slave [read-only]

The PIF of which the IP configuration and MAC were copied to the bond, and which will receive all configuration/VLANs/VIFs on the bond if the bond is destroyed

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
(string → string) map properties [read-only]

Additional configuration properties specific to the bond mode.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Additional configuration properties specific to the bond mode.

PIF ref set slaves [read-only]

The interfaces which are part of this bond

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   The interfaces which are part of this bond
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


Bond ref create (network ref, PIF ref set, string, bond_mode, (string → string) map)

Create an interface bond

Parameters: network ref network Network to add the bonded PIF to

PIF ref set members PIFs to add to this bond

string MAC  The MAC address to use on the bond itself. If this parameter is the empty string then the bond will inherit its MAC address from the primary slave.

bond_mode mode  Bonding mode to use for the new bond

(string → string) map properties    Additional configuration parameters specific to the bond mode

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the created Bond object

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Create an interface bond
void destroy (Bond ref)

Destroy an interface bond

Parameters: Bond ref self   Bond to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Destroy an interface bond

void set_mode (Bond ref, bond_mode)

Change the bond mode

Parameters: Bond ref self   The bond

bond_mode value The new bond mode

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
void set_property (Bond ref, string, string)

Set the value of a property of the bond

Parameters: Bond ref self   The bond

string name The property name

string value    The property value

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Set the value of a property of the bond

Class: console

A console



Values: vt100   VT100 terminal

rfb Remote FrameBuffer protocol (as used in VNC)

rdp Remote Desktop Protocol


string location [read-only]

URI for the console service

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   URI for the console service
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
console_protocol protocol [read-only]

the protocol used by this console

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the protocol used by this console
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VM ref VM [read-only]

VM to which this console is attached

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   VM to which this console is attached



Class: crashdump

A VM crashdump


(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VDI ref VDI [read-only]

the virtual disk

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the virtual disk
VM ref VM [read-only]

the virtual machine

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the virtual machine


void destroy (crashdump ref)
Destroy the specified crashdump
Parameters: crashdump ref self  The crashdump to destroy
Minimum role:   pool-operator
Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Destroy the specified crashdump

Class: data_source

Data sources for logging in RRDs


bool enabled [read-only]

true if the data source is being logged

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if the data source is being logged
float max [read-only]

the maximum value of the data source

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the maximum value of the data source
float min [read-only]

the minimum value of the data source

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the minimum value of the data source
string name_description [read-only]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read-only]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
bool standard [read-only]

true if the data source is enabled by default. Non-default data sources cannot be disabled

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if the data source is enabled by default. Non-default data sources cannot be disabled
string units [read-only]

the units of the value

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the units of the value
float value [read-only]

current value of the data source

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   current value of the data source



Class: DR_task

DR task


SR ref set introduced_SRs [read-only]

All SRs introduced by this appliance

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   All SRs introduced by this appliance
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


DR_task ref create (string, (string → string) map, string set)

Create a disaster recovery task which will query the supplied list of devices

Parameters: string type The SR driver type of the SRs to introduce

(string → string) map device_config The device configuration of the SRs to introduce

string set whitelist    The devices to use for disaster recovery

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference to the created task

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Create a disaster recovery task which will query the supplied list of devices
void destroy (DR_task ref)

Destroy the disaster recovery task, detaching and forgetting any SRs introduced which are no longer required

Parameters: DR_task ref self    The disaster recovery task to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Destroy the disaster recovery task, detaching and forgetting any SRs introduced which are no longer required

Class: event

Asynchronous event registration and handling



Values: add An object has been created

del An object has been deleted

mod An object has been modified


string class [read-only]
int id [read-only]

An ID, monotonically increasing, and local to the current session

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   An ID, monotonically increasing, and local to the current session
string obj_uuid [read-only]

The uuid of the object that changed

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The uuid of the object that changed
event_operation operation [read-only]

The operation that was performed

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The operation that was performed
string ref [read-only]

A reference to the object that changed

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   A reference to the object that changed
datetime timestamp [read-only]

The time at which the event occurred

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The time at which the event occurred


event record set from (string set, string, float)

Blocking call which returns a new token and a (possibly empty) batch of events. The returned token can be used in subsequent calls to this function.

Parameters: string set classes  register for events for the indicated classes

string token    A token representing the point from which to generate database events. The empty string represents the beginning.

float timeout   Return after this many seconds if no events match

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the batch of events

Errors: SESSION_NOT_REGISTERED  This session is not registered to receive events. You must call event.register before The session handle you are using is echoed.

EVENTS_LOST Some events have been lost from the queue and cannot be retrieved.

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Blocking call which returns a new token and a (possibly empty) batch of events. The returned token can be used in subsequent calls to this function.
int get_current_id ()

Return the ID of the next event to be generated by the system

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the event ID

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Return the ID of the next event to be generated by the system
string inject (string, string)

Injects an artificial event on the given object and return the corresponding ID

Parameters: string class    class of the object

string ref  A reference to the object that will be changed.

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the event ID

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Injects an artificial event on the given object and return the corresponding ID
event record set next ()

Blocking call which returns a (possibly empty) batch of events. This method is only recommended for legacy use. New development should use event.from which supercedes this method.

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the batch of events

Errors: SESSION_NOT_REGISTERED  This session is not registered to receive events. You must call event.register before The session handle you are using is echoed.

EVENTS_LOST Some events have been lost from the queue and cannot be retrieved.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Blocking call which returns a (possibly empty) batch of events. This method is only recommended for legacy use. New development should use event.from which supercedes this method.
void register (string set)

Registers this session with the event system. Specifying * as the desired class will register for all classes.

Parameters: string set classes  register for events for the indicated classes

Minimum role:   read-only

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Registers this session with the event system. Specifying * as the desired class will register for all classes.
void unregister (string set)

Unregisters this session with the event system

Parameters: string set classes  remove this session's registration for the indicated classes

Minimum role:   read-only

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unregisters this session with the event system

Class: GPU_group

A group of compatible GPUs across the resource pool



Values: breadth_first   vGPUs of a given type are allocated evenly across supporting pGPUs.

depth_first vGPUs of a given type are allocated on supporting pGPUs until they are full.


allocation_algorithm allocation_algorithm [read/write]

Current allocation of vGPUs to pGPUs for this group

Default value:  depth_first

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
VGPU_type ref set enabled_VGPU_types [read-only]

vGPU types supported on at least one of the pGPUs in this group

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
string set GPU_types [read-only]

List of GPU types (vendor+device ID) that can be in this group

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
string name_description [read/write]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
string name_label [read/write]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

Additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
PGPU ref set PGPUs [read-only]

List of pGPUs in the group

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
VGPU_type ref set supported_VGPU_types [read-only]

vGPU types supported on at least one of the pGPUs in this group

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
VGPU ref set VGPUs [read-only]

List of vGPUs using the group

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   


GPU_group ref create (string, string, (string → string) map)

Parameters: string name_label   

string name_description 

(string → string) map other_config  

Minimum role:   pool-operator


Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
void destroy (GPU_group ref)

Parameters: GPU_group ref self  The vGPU to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
int get_remaining_capacity (GPU_group ref, VGPU_type ref)

Parameters: GPU_group ref self  The GPU group to query

VGPU_type ref vgpu_type The VGPU_type for which the remaining capacity will be calculated

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The number of VGPUs of the given type which can still be started on the PGPUs in the group

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  

Class: host

A physical host



Values: provision   Indicates this host is able to provision another VM

evacuate    Indicates this host is evacuating

shutdown    Indicates this host is in the process of shutting itself down

reboot  Indicates this host is in the process of rebooting

power_on    Indicates this host is in the process of being powered on

vm_start    This host is starting a VM

vm_resume   This host is resuming a VM

vm_migrate  This host is the migration target of a VM

Values: enabled This host is outputting its console to a physical display device

disable_on_reboot   The host will stop outputting its console to a physical display device on next boot

disabled    This host is not outputting its console to a physical display device

enable_on_reboot    The host will start outputting its console to a physical display device on next boot


string address [read/write]

The address by which this host can be contacted from any other host in the pool

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The address by which this host can be contacted from any other host in the pool
host_allowed_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
int API_version_major [read-only]

major version number

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   major version number
int API_version_minor [read-only]

minor version number

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   minor version number
string API_version_vendor [read-only]

identification of vendor

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   identification of vendor
(string → string) map API_version_vendor_implementation [read-only]

details of vendor implementation

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   details of vendor implementation
(string → string) map bios_strings [read-only]

BIOS strings

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   BIOS strings
(string → blob ref) map blobs [read-only]

Binary blobs associated with this host

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Binary blobs associated with this host
string set capabilities [read-only]

Xen capabilities

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Xen capabilities
(string → string) map chipset_info [read-only]

Information about chipset features

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
(string → string) map cpu_configuration [read-only]

The CPU configuration on this host. May contain keys such as "nr_nodes", "sockets_per_node", "cores_per_socket", or "threads_per_core"

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The CPU configuration on this host. May contain keys such as "nr_nodes", "sockets_per_node", "cores_per_socket", or "threads_per_core"
(string → string) map cpu_info [read-only]

Details about the physical CPUs on this host

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Details about the physical CPUs on this host
SR ref crash_dump_sr [read/write]

The SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created
host_crashdump ref set crashdumps [read-only]

Set of host crash dumps

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set of host crash dumps
(string → host_allowed_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
host_display display [read/write]

indicates whether the host is configured to output its console to a physical display device

Default value:  enabled

Published in:   Unreleased  indicates whether the host is configured to output its console to a physical display device
string edition [read-only]

Product edition

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Product edition
bool enabled [read-only]

True if the host is currently enabled

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   True if the host is currently enabled
(string → string) map external_auth_configuration [read-only]

configuration specific to external authentication service

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   configuration specific to external authentication service
string external_auth_service_name [read-only]

name of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   name of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
string external_auth_type [read-only]

type of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   type of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
(string → string) map guest_VCPUs_params [read/write]

VCPUs params to apply to all resident guests

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   VCPUs params to apply to all resident guests
string set ha_network_peers [read-only]

The set of hosts visible via the network from this host

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   The set of hosts visible via the network from this host
string set ha_statefiles [read-only]

The set of statefiles accessible from this host

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   The set of statefiles accessible from this host
host_cpu ref set host_CPUs [read-only]

The physical CPUs on this host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The physical CPUs on this host
string hostname [read/write]

The hostname of this host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The hostname of this host
(string → string) map license_params [read-only]

State of the current license

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   State of the current license
(string → string) map license_server [read/write]

Contact information of the license server

Default value:  {"address" → "localhost","port" → "27000"}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Contact information of the license server
SR ref local_cache_sr [read-only]

The SR that is used as a local cache

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   The SR that is used as a local cache
(string → string) map logging [read/write]

logging configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   logging configuration
int memory_overhead [read-only]

Virtualization memory overhead (bytes).

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Virtualization memory overhead (bytes).
host_metrics ref metrics [read-only]

metrics associated with this host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   metrics associated with this host
string name_description [read/write]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read/write]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
host_patch ref set patches [read-only]

Set of host patches

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set of host patches
PBD ref set PBDs [read-only]

physical blockdevices

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   physical blockdevices
PCI ref set PCIs [read-only]

List of PCI devices in the host

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
PGPU ref set PGPUs [read-only]

List of physical GPUs in the host

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
PIF ref set PIFs [read-only]

physical network interfaces

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   physical network interfaces
(string → string) map power_on_config [read-only]

The power on config

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   The power on config
string power_on_mode [read-only]

The power on mode

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   The power on mode
VM ref set resident_VMs [read-only]

list of VMs currently resident on host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of VMs currently resident on host
string sched_policy [read-only]

Scheduler policy currently in force on this host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Scheduler policy currently in force on this host
(string → string) map software_version [read-only]

version strings

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   version strings
bool ssl_legacy [read-only]

Allow SSLv3 protocol and ciphersuites as used by older XenServers. This controls both incoming and outgoing connections. When this is set to a different value, the host immediately restarts its SSL/TLS listening service; typically this takes less than a second but existing connections to it will be broken. XenAPI login sessions will remain valid.

Default value:  true

Published in:   Unreleased  
string set supported_bootloaders [read-only]

a list of the bootloaders installed on the machine

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a list of the bootloaders installed on the machine
SR ref suspend_image_sr [read/write]

The SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created
string set tags [read/write]

user-specified tags for categorization purposes

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   user-specified tags for categorization purposes
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
int set virtual_hardware_platform_versions [read-only]

The set of versions of the virtual hardware platform that the host can offer to its guests

Default value:  {0}

Published in:   Unreleased  The set of versions of the virtual hardware platform that the host can offer to its guests

### Messages

void apply_edition (host ref, string, bool)

Change to another edition, or reactivate the current edition after a license has expired. This may be subject to the successful checkout of an appropriate license.

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string edition  The requested edition

bool force  Update the license params even if the apply call fails

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Change to another edition, or reactivate the current edition after a license has expired. This may be subject to the successful checkout of an appropriate license.
void assert_can_evacuate (host ref)

Check this host can be evacuated.

Parameters: host ref host   The host to evacuate

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Check this host can be evacuated.
void backup_rrds (host ref, float)

This causes the RRDs to be backed up to the master

Parameters: host ref host   Schedule a backup of the RRDs of this host

float delay Delay in seconds from when the call is received to perform the backup

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   This causes the RRDs to be backed up to the master
void bugreport_upload (host ref, string, (string → string) map)

Run xen-bugtool --yestoall and upload the output to support

Parameters: host ref host   The host on which to run xen-bugtool

string url  The URL to upload to

(string → string) map options   Extra configuration operations

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Run xen-bugtool --yestoall and upload the output to support
string call_plugin (host ref, string, string, (string → string) map)

Call a XenAPI plugin on this host

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string plugin   The name of the plugin

string fn   The name of the function within the plugin

(string → string) map args  Arguments for the function

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Result: Result from the plugin

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Call a XenAPI plugin on this host
int compute_free_memory (host ref)

Computes the amount of free memory on the host.

Parameters: host ref host   The host to send the request to

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the amount of free memory on the host.

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Computes the amount of free memory on the host.
int compute_memory_overhead (host ref)

Computes the virtualization memory overhead of a host.

Parameters: host ref host   The host for which to compute the memory overhead

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the virtualization memory overhead of the host.

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Computes the virtualization memory overhead of a host.
blob ref create_new_blob (host ref, string, string, bool)

Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this host

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string name The name associated with the blob

string mime_type    The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream

bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this host
void declare_dead (host ref)

Declare that a host is dead. This is a dangerous operation, and should only be called if the administrator is absolutely sure the host is definitely dead

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to declare is dead

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.2   Declare that a host is dead. This is a dangerous operation, and should only be called if the administrator is absolutely sure the host is definitely dead
void destroy (host ref)

Destroy specified host record in database

Parameters: host ref self   The host record to remove

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Destroy specified host record in database
void disable (host ref)

Puts the host into a state in which no new VMs can be started. Currently active VMs on the host continue to execute.

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to disable

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Puts the host into a state in which no new VMs can be started. Currently active VMs on the host continue to execute.
host_display disable_display (host ref)

Disable console output to the physical display device next time this host boots

Parameters: host ref host   The host

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: This host's physical display usage

Published in:   Unreleased  
void disable_external_auth (host ref, (string → string) map)

This call disables external authentication on the local host

Parameters: host ref host   The host whose external authentication should be disabled

(string → string) map config    Optional parameters as a list of key-values containing the configuration data

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   This call disables external authentication on the local host
void disable_local_storage_caching (host ref)

Disable the use of a local SR for caching purposes

Parameters: host ref host   The host

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Disable the use of a local SR for caching purposes
string dmesg (host ref)

Get the host xen dmesg.

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to query

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: dmesg string

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Get the host xen dmesg.
string dmesg_clear (host ref)

Get the host xen dmesg, and clear the buffer.

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to query

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: dmesg string

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Get the host xen dmesg, and clear the buffer.
void emergency_ha_disable ()

This call disables HA on the local host. This should only be used with extreme care.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   This call disables HA on the local host. This should only be used with extreme care.
void enable (host ref)

Puts the host into a state in which new VMs can be started.

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to enable

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Puts the host into a state in which new VMs can be started.
host_display enable_display (host ref)

Enable console output to the physical display device next time this host boots

Parameters: host ref host   The host

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: This host's physical display usage

Published in:   Unreleased  
void enable_external_auth (host ref, (string → string) map, string, string)

This call enables external authentication on a host

Parameters: host ref host   The host whose external authentication should be enabled

(string → string) map config    A list of key-values containing the configuration data

string service_name The name of the service

string auth_type    The type of authentication (e.g. AD for Active Directory)

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   This call enables external authentication on a host
void enable_local_storage_caching (host ref, SR ref)

Enable the use of a local SR for caching purposes

Parameters: host ref host   The host

SR ref sr   The SR to use as a local cache

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Enable the use of a local SR for caching purposes
void evacuate (host ref)

Migrate all VMs off of this host, where possible.

Parameters: host ref host   The host to evacuate

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Migrate all VMs off of this host, where possible.
void forget_data_source_archives (host ref, string)

Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string data_source  The data source whose archives are to be forgotten

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source
data_source record set get_data_sources (host ref)

Parameters: host ref host   The host to interrogate

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: A set of data sources

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
string get_log (host ref)

Get the host's log file

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The contents of the host's primary log file

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Get the host's log file
PIF ref get_management_interface (host ref) Prototype

Returns the management interface for the specified host

Parameters: host ref host   Which host's management interface is required

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The management interface for the host

Prototyped in:  XenServer 6.1   
string get_server_certificate (host ref)

Get the installed server SSL certificate.

Parameters: host ref host   The host

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The installed server SSL certificate, in PEM form.

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Get the installed server SSL certificate.
datetime get_server_localtime (host ref)

This call queries the host's clock for the current time in the host's local timezone

Parameters: host ref host   The host whose clock should be queried

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The current local time

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   This call queries the host's clock for the current time in the host's local timezone
datetime get_servertime (host ref)

This call queries the host's clock for the current time

Parameters: host ref host   The host whose clock should be queried

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The current time

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   This call queries the host's clock for the current time
string get_system_status_capabilities (host ref)

Parameters: host ref host   The host to interrogate

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: An XML fragment containing the system status capabilities.

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   
VM ref set get_uncooperative_resident_VMs (host ref) Deprecated

Return a set of VMs which are not co-operating with the host's memory control system

Parameters: host ref self   The host to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: VMs which are not co-operating

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Return a set of VMs which are not co-operating with the host's memory control system

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.1   
(VM ref → string set) map get_vms_which_prevent_evacuation (host ref)

Return a set of VMs which prevent the host being evacuated, with per-VM error codes

Parameters: host ref self   The host to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: VMs which block evacuation together with reasons

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Return a set of VMs which prevent the host being evacuated, with per-VM error codes
void license_add (host ref, string)

Apply a new license to a host

Parameters: host ref host   The host to upload the license to

string contents The contents of the license file, base64 encoded

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: LICENSE_PROCESSING_ERROR    There was an error processing your license. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   Unreleased  Functionality for parsing license files re-added
void license_apply (host ref, string)  Removed

Apply a new license to a host

Parameters: host ref host   The host to upload the license to

string contents The contents of the license file, base64 encoded

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: LICENSE_PROCESSING_ERROR    There was an error processing your license. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Apply a new license to a host

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   Free licenses no longer handled by xapi
void license_remove (host ref)

Remove any license file from the specified host, and switch that host to the unlicensed edition

Parameters: host ref host   The host from which any license will be removed

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  
string set list_methods ()

List all supported methods

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The name of every supported method.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   List all supported methods
void local_management_reconfigure (string)

Reconfigure the management network interface. Should only be used if Host.management_reconfigure is impossible because the network configuration is broken.

Parameters: string interface    name of the interface to use as a management interface

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Reconfigure the management network interface. Should only be used if Host.management_reconfigure is impossible because the network configuration is broken.
void management_disable ()

Disable the management network interface

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Disable the management network interface
void management_reconfigure (PIF ref)

Reconfigure the management network interface

Parameters: PIF ref pif reference to a PIF object corresponding to the management interface

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Reconfigure the management network interface
(string → string) map migrate_receive (host ref, network ref, (string → string) map)

Prepare to receive a VM, returning a token which can be passed to VM.migrate.

Parameters: host ref host   The target host

network ref network The network through which migration traffic should be received.

(string → string) map options   Extra configuration operations

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: A value which should be passed to VM.migrate

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Prepare to receive a VM, returning a token which can be passed to VM.migrate.
void power_on (host ref)

Attempt to power-on the host (if the capability exists).

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to power on

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Attempt to power-on the host (if the capability exists).
float query_data_source (host ref, string)

Query the latest value of the specified data source

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string data_source  The data source to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The latest value, averaged over the last 5 seconds

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Query the latest value of the specified data source
void reboot (host ref)

Reboot the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to reboot

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Reboot the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
void record_data_source (host ref, string)

Start recording the specified data source

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string data_source  The data source to record

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Start recording the specified data source
void refresh_pack_info (host ref)

Refresh the list of installed Supplemental Packs.

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to modify

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Refresh the list of installed Supplemental Packs.
void reset_cpu_features (host ref) Removed

Remove the feature mask, such that after a reboot all features of the CPU are enabled.

Parameters: host ref host   The host

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   

Removed in: Unreleased  Manual CPU feature setting was removed
void restart_agent (host ref)

Restarts the agent after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.

Parameters: host ref host   The Host on which you want to restart the agent

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Restarts the agent after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
(VM ref → string set) map retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations (host ref)

Retrieves recommended host migrations to perform when evacuating the host from the wlb server. If a VM cannot be migrated from the host the reason is listed instead of a recommendation.

Parameters: host ref self   The host to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: VMs and the reasons why they would block evacuation, or their target host recommended by the wlb server

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Retrieves recommended host migrations to perform when evacuating the host from the wlb server. If a VM cannot be migrated from the host the reason is listed instead of a recommendation.
void send_debug_keys (host ref, string)

Inject the given string as debugging keys into Xen

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string keys The keys to send

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Inject the given string as debugging keys into Xen
void set_cpu_features (host ref, string) Removed

Set the CPU features to be used after a reboot, if the given features string is valid.

Parameters: host ref host   The host

string features The features string (32 hexadecimal digits)

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   

Removed in: Unreleased  Manual CPU feature setting was removed
void set_hostname_live (host ref, string)

Sets the host name to the specified string. Both the API and lower-level system hostname are changed immediately.

Parameters: host ref host   The host whose host name to set

string hostname The new host name

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: HOST_NAME_INVALID   The host name is invalid.

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the host name to the specified string. Both the API and lower-level system hostname are changed immediately.
void set_power_on_mode (host ref, string, (string → string) map)

Set the power-on-mode, host, user and password

Parameters: host ref self   The host

string power_on_mode    power-on-mode can be empty,iLO,wake-on-lan, DRAC or other

(string → string) map power_on_config   Power on config

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the power-on-mode, host, user and password
void set_ssl_legacy (host ref, bool)

Enable/disable SSLv3 for interoperability with older versions of XenServer. When this is set to a different value, the host immediately restarts its SSL/TLS listening service; typically this takes less than a second but existing connections to it will be broken. XenAPI login sessions will remain valid.

Parameters: host ref self   The host

bool value  True to allow SSLv3 and ciphersuites as used in old XenServer versions

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  
void shutdown (host ref)

Shutdown the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)

Parameters: host ref host   The Host to shutdown

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Shutdown the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
void shutdown_agent ()

Shuts the agent down after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Shuts the agent down after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
void sync_data (host ref)

This causes the synchronisation of the non-database data (messages, RRDs and so on) stored on the master to be synchronised with the host

Parameters: host ref host   The host to whom the data should be sent

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   This causes the synchronisation of the non-database data (messages, RRDs and so on) stored on the master to be synchronised with the host
void syslog_reconfigure (host ref)

Re-configure syslog logging

Parameters: host ref host   Tell the host to reread its Host.logging parameters and reconfigure itself accordingly

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Re-configure syslog logging

Class: host_cpu

A physical CPU


int family [read-only]

the family (number) of the physical CPU

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the family (number) of the physical CPU
string features [read-only]

the physical CPU feature bitmap

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the physical CPU feature bitmap
string flags [read-only]

the flags of the physical CPU (a decoded version of the features field)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the flags of the physical CPU (a decoded version of the features field)
host ref host [read-only]

the host the CPU is in

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the host the CPU is in
int model [read-only]

the model number of the physical CPU

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the model number of the physical CPU
string modelname [read-only]

the model name of the physical CPU

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the model name of the physical CPU
int number [read-only]

the number of the physical CPU within the host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the number of the physical CPU within the host
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   additional configuration
int speed [read-only]

the speed of the physical CPU

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the speed of the physical CPU
string stepping [read-only]

the stepping of the physical CPU

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the stepping of the physical CPU
float utilisation [read-only]

the current CPU utilisation

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the current CPU utilisation
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
string vendor [read-only]

the vendor of the physical CPU

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the vendor of the physical CPU



Class: host_crashdump

Represents a host crash dump


host ref host [read-only]

Host the crashdump relates to

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Host the crashdump relates to
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
int size [read-only]

Size of the crashdump

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Size of the crashdump
datetime timestamp [read-only]

Time the crash happened

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time the crash happened
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


void destroy (host_crashdump ref)

Destroy specified host crash dump, removing it from the disk.

Parameters: host_crashdump ref self The host crashdump to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Destroy specified host crash dump, removing it from the disk.
void upload (host_crashdump ref, string, (string → string) map)

Upload the specified host crash dump to a specified URL

Parameters: host_crashdump ref self The host crashdump to upload

string url  The URL to upload to

(string → string) map options   Extra configuration operations

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Upload the specified host crash dump to a specified URL

Class: host_metrics

The metrics associated with a host


datetime last_updated [read-only]

Time at which this information was last updated

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which this information was last updated
bool live [read-only]

Pool master thinks this host is live

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Pool master thinks this host is live
int memory_free [read-only]  Deprecated

Free host memory (bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Free host memory (bytes)

Deprecated in:  XenServer 5.6   
int memory_total [read-only]

Total host memory (bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Total host memory (bytes)
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference



Class: host_patch

Represents a patch stored on a server


bool applied [read-only]

True if the patch has been applied

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   True if the patch has been applied
host ref host [read-only]

Host the patch relates to

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Host the patch relates to
string name_description [read-only]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read-only]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
pool_patch ref pool_patch [read-only]

The patch applied

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   The patch applied
int size [read-only]

Size of the patch

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Size of the patch
datetime timestamp_applied [read-only]

Time the patch was applied

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time the patch was applied
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
string version [read-only]

Patch version number

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Patch version number


string apply (host_patch ref) Deprecated

Apply the selected patch and return its output

Parameters: host_patch ref self The patch to apply

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: the output of the patch application process

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Apply the selected patch and return its output

Deprecated in:  XenServer 4.1   
void destroy (host_patch ref) Deprecated

Destroy the specified host patch, removing it from the disk. This does NOT reverse the patch

Parameters: host_patch ref self The patch to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Destroy the specified host patch, removing it from the disk. This does NOT reverse the patch

Deprecated in:  XenServer 4.1   

Class: LVHD

LVHD SR specific operations


string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


void enable_thin_provisioning (SR ref, int, int)

Upgrades an LVHD SR to enable thin-provisioning. Future VDIs created in this SR will be thinly-provisioned, although existing VDIs will be left alone. Note that the SR must be attached to the SRmaster for upgrade to work.

Parameters: SR ref SR   The LVHD SR to upgrade to being thin-provisioned.

int initial_allocation  The initial amount of space to allocate to a newly-created VDI in bytes

int allocation_quantum  The amount of space to allocate to a VDI when it needs to be enlarged in bytes

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   Unreleased  Upgrades an LVHD SR to enable thin-provisioning. Future VDIs created in this SR will be thinly-provisioned, although existing VDIs will be left alone. Note that the SR must be attached to the SRmaster for upgrade to work.

Class: message

An message for the attention of the administrator



Values: VM  VM

Host    Host


Pool    Pool



string body [read-only]

The body of the message

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The body of the message
cls cls [read-only]

The class of the object this message is associated with

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The class of the object this message is associated with
string name [read-only]

The name of the message

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The name of the message
string obj_uuid [read-only]

The uuid of the object this message is associated with

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The uuid of the object this message is associated with
int priority [read-only]

The message priority, 0 being low priority

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The message priority, 0 being low priority
datetime timestamp [read-only]

The time at which the message was created

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The time at which the message was created
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


message ref create (string, int, cls, string, string)

Parameters: string name The name of the message

int priority    The priority of the message

cls cls The class of object this message is associated with

string obj_uuid The uuid of the object this message is associated with

string body The body of the message

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the created message

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
void destroy (message ref)

Parameters: message ref self    The reference of the message to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
(message ref → message record) map get (cls, string, datetime)

Parameters: cls cls The class of object

string obj_uuid The uuid of the object

datetime since  The cutoff time

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The relevant messages

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
message ref set get_all ()

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The references to the messages

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
(message ref → message record) map get_all_records ()

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The messages

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
(message ref → message record) map get_all_records_where (string)

Parameters: string expr The expression to match (not currently used)

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The messages

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
message ref get_by_uuid (string)

Parameters: string uuid The uuid of the message

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The message reference

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
message record get_record (message ref)

Parameters: message ref self    The reference to the message

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The message record

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
(message ref → message record) map get_since (datetime)

Parameters: datetime since  The cutoff time

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The relevant messages

Published in:   XenServer 5.0

Class: network

A virtual network



Values: attaching   Indicates this network is attaching to a VIF or PIF


Values: unlocked    Treat all VIFs on this network with locking_mode = 'default' as if they have locking_mode = 'unlocked'

disabled    Treat all VIFs on this network with locking_mode = 'default' as if they have locking_mode = 'disabled'


network_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
(VIF ref → string) map assigned_ips [read-only]

The IP addresses assigned to VIFs on networks that have active xapi-managed DHCP

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.5   The IP addresses assigned to VIFs on networks that have active xapi-managed DHCP
(string → blob ref) map blobs [read-only]

Binary blobs associated with this network

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Binary blobs associated with this network
string bridge [read-only]

name of the bridge corresponding to this network on the local host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   name of the bridge corresponding to this network on the local host
(string → network_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
network_default_locking_mode default_locking_mode [read-only]

The network will use this value to determine the behaviour of all VIFs where locking_mode = default

Default value:  unlocked

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   The network will use this value to determine the behaviour of all VIFs where locking_mode = default
int MTU [read/write]

MTU in octets

Default value:  1500

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   MTU in octets
string name_description [read/write]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read/write]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
PIF ref set PIFs [read-only]

list of connected pifs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of connected pifs
string set tags [read/write]

user-specified tags for categorization purposes

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   user-specified tags for categorization purposes
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VIF ref set VIFs [read-only]

list of connected vifs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of connected vifs


blob ref create_new_blob (network ref, string, string, bool)

Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool

Parameters: network ref network The network

string name The name associated with the blob

string mime_type    The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream

bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool
void set_default_locking_mode (network ref, network_default_locking_mode)

Set the default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network

Parameters: network ref network The network

network_default_locking_mode value  The default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Set the default locking mode for VIFs attached to this network

Class: PBD

The physical block devices through which hosts access SRs


bool currently_attached [read-only]

is the SR currently attached on this host?

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   is the SR currently attached on this host?
(string → string) map device_config [read-only]

a config string to string map that is provided to the host's SR-backend-driver

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a config string to string map that is provided to the host's SR-backend-driver
host ref host [read-only]

physical machine on which the pbd is available

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   physical machine on which the pbd is available
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
SR ref SR [read-only]

the storage repository that the pbd realises

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the storage repository that the pbd realises
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


void plug (PBD ref)

Activate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be attached and scanned

Parameters: PBD ref self    The PBD to activate

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: SR_UNKNOWN_DRIVER   The SR could not be connected because the driver was not recognised.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Activate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be attached and scanned
void set_device_config (PBD ref, (string → string) map)

Sets the PBD's device_config field

Parameters: PBD ref self    The PBD to modify

(string → string) map value The new value of the PBD's device_config

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the PBD's device_config field
void unplug (PBD ref)

Deactivate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be detached and nolonger scanned

Parameters: PBD ref self    The PBD to deactivate

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Deactivate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be detached and nolonger scanned

Class: PCI

A PCI device


string class_name [read-only]

PCI class name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
PCI ref set dependencies [read-only]

List of dependent PCI devices

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
string device_name [read-only]

Device name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
host ref host [read-only]

Physical machine that owns the PCI device

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

Additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
string pci_id [read-only]

PCI ID of the physical device

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
string subsystem_device_name [read-only]

Subsystem device name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1 Hotfix 11 
string subsystem_vendor_name [read-only]

Subsystem vendor name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1 Hotfix 11 
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
string vendor_name [read-only]

Vendor name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   



Class: PGPU

A physical GPU (pGPU)



Values: enabled dom0 can access this device as normal

disable_on_reboot   On host reboot dom0 will be blocked from accessing this device

disabled    dom0 cannot access this device

enable_on_reboot    On host reboot dom0 will be allowed to access this device


pgpu_dom0_access dom0_access [read-only]

The accessibility of this device from dom0

Default value:  enabled

Published in:   Unreleased  
VGPU_type ref set enabled_VGPU_types [read-only]

List of VGPU types which have been enabled for this PGPU

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
GPU_group ref GPU_group [read-only]

GPU group the pGPU is contained in

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
host ref host [read-only]

Host that own the GPU

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
bool is_system_display_device [read-only]

Is this device the system display device

Default value:  false

Published in:   Unreleased  
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

Additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
PCI ref PCI [read-only]

Link to underlying PCI device

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
VGPU ref set resident_VGPUs [read-only]

List of VGPUs running on this PGPU

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
(VGPU_type ref → int) map supported_VGPU_max_capacities [read-only]

A map relating each VGPU type supported on this GPU to the maximum number of VGPUs of that type which can run simultaneously on this GPU

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
VGPU_type ref set supported_VGPU_types [read-only]

List of VGPU types supported by the underlying hardware

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   


void add_enabled_VGPU_types (PGPU ref, VGPU_type ref)

Parameters: PGPU ref self   The PGPU to which we are adding an enabled VGPU type

VGPU_type ref value The VGPU type to enable

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
pgpu_dom0_access disable_dom0_access (PGPU ref)

Parameters: PGPU ref self   The PGPU to which dom0 will be denied access

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The accessibility of this PGPU from dom0

Published in:   Unreleased  
pgpu_dom0_access enable_dom0_access (PGPU ref)

Parameters: PGPU ref self   The PGPU to which dom0 will be granted access

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The accessibility of this PGPU from dom0

Published in:   Unreleased  
int get_remaining_capacity (PGPU ref, VGPU_type ref)

Parameters: PGPU ref self   The PGPU to query

VGPU_type ref vgpu_type The VGPU type for which we want to find the number of VGPUs which can still be started on this PGPU

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The number of VGPUs of the specified type which can still be started on this PGPU

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
void remove_enabled_VGPU_types (PGPU ref, VGPU_type ref)

Parameters: PGPU ref self   The PGPU from which we are removing an enabled VGPU type

VGPU_type ref value The VGPU type to disable

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
void set_enabled_VGPU_types (PGPU ref, VGPU_type ref set)

Parameters: PGPU ref self   The PGPU on which we are enabling a set of VGPU types

VGPU_type ref set value The VGPU types to enable

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
void set_GPU_group (PGPU ref, GPU_group ref)

Parameters: PGPU ref self   The PGPU to move to a new group

GPU_group ref value The group to which the PGPU will be moved

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview

Class: PIF

A physical network interface (note separate VLANs are represented as several PIFs)



Values: None    Do not acquire an IP address

DHCP    Acquire an IP address by DHCP

Static  Static IP address configuration

Values: None    Do not acquire an IPv6 address

DHCP    Acquire an IPv6 address by DHCP

Static  Static IPv6 address configuration

Autoconf    Router assigned prefix delegation IPv6 allocation

Values: IPv4    Primary address is the IPv4 address

IPv6    Primary address is the IPv6 address


Bond ref set bond_master_of [read-only]

Indicates this PIF represents the results of a bond

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Indicates this PIF represents the results of a bond
Bond ref bond_slave_of [read-only]

Indicates which bond this interface is part of

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Indicates which bond this interface is part of
string set capabilities [read-only]

Additional capabilities on the interface.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   Unreleased  
bool currently_attached [read-only]

true if this interface is online

Default value:  true

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   true if this interface is online
string device [read-only]

machine-readable name of the interface (e.g. eth0)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   machine-readable name of the interface (e.g. eth0)
bool disallow_unplug [read/write]

Prevent this PIF from being unplugged; set this to notify the management tool-stack that the PIF has a special use and should not be unplugged under any circumstances (e.g. because you're running storage traffic over it)

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Prevent this PIF from being unplugged; set this to notify the management tool-stack that the PIF has a special use and should not be unplugged under any circumstances (e.g. because you're running storage traffic over it)
string DNS [read-only]

IP address of DNS servers to use

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   IP address of DNS servers to use
string gateway [read-only]

IP gateway

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   IP gateway
host ref host [read-only]

physical machine to which this pif is connected

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   physical machine to which this pif is connected
string IP [read-only]

IP address

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   IP address
ip_configuration_mode ip_configuration_mode [read-only]

Sets if and how this interface gets an IP address

Default value:  None

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets if and how this interface gets an IP address
string set IPv6 [read-only] Prototype

IPv6 address

Default value:  {}

Prototyped in:  XenServer 6.1   
ipv6_configuration_mode ipv6_configuration_mode [read-only] Prototype

Sets if and how this interface gets an IPv6 address

Default value:  None

Prototyped in:  XenServer 6.1   
string ipv6_gateway [read-only] Prototype

IPv6 gateway

Default value:  ""

Prototyped in:  XenServer 6.1   

string MAC [read-only]

ethernet MAC address of physical interface

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   ethernet MAC address of physical interface
bool managed [read-only]

Indicates whether the interface is managed by xapi. If it is not, then xapi will not configure the interface, the commands PIF.plug/unplug/reconfigure_ip(v6) can not be used, nor can the interface be bonded or have VLANs based on top through xapi.

Default value:  true

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
bool management [read-only]

Indicates whether the control software is listening for connections on this interface

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Indicates whether the control software is listening for connections on this interface
PIF_metrics ref metrics [read-only]

metrics associated with this PIF

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   metrics associated with this PIF
int MTU [read-only]

MTU in octets

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   MTU in octets
string netmask [read-only]

IP netmask

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   IP netmask
network ref network [read-only]

virtual network to which this pif is connected

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   virtual network to which this pif is connected
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

Additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Additional configuration
bool physical [read-only]

true if this represents a physical network interface

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   true if this represents a physical network interface
primary_address_type primary_address_type [read-only] Prototype

Which protocol should define the primary address of this interface

Default value:  IPv4

Prototyped in:  XenServer 6.1   

(string → string) map properties [read-only]

Additional configuration properties for the interface.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.5   
tunnel ref set tunnel_access_PIF_of [read-only]

Indicates to which tunnel this PIF gives access

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Indicates to which tunnel this PIF gives access
tunnel ref set tunnel_transport_PIF_of [read-only]

Indicates to which tunnel this PIF provides transport

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Indicates to which tunnel this PIF provides transport
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
int VLAN [read-only]

VLAN tag for all traffic passing through this interface

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   VLAN tag for all traffic passing through this interface
VLAN ref VLAN_master_of [read-only]

Indicates wich VLAN this interface receives untagged traffic from

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Indicates wich VLAN this interface receives untagged traffic from
VLAN ref set VLAN_slave_of [read-only]

Indicates which VLANs this interface transmits tagged traffic to

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Indicates which VLANs this interface transmits tagged traffic to


PIF ref create_VLAN (string, network ref, host ref, int) Deprecated

Create a VLAN interface from an existing physical interface. This call is deprecated: use VLAN.create instead

Parameters: string device   physical interface on which to create the VLAN interface

network ref network network to which this interface should be connected

host ref host   physical machine to which this PIF is connected

int VLAN    VLAN tag for the new interface

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the created PIF object

Errors: VLAN_TAG_INVALID    You tried to create a VLAN, but the tag you gave was invalid -- it must be between 0 and 4094. The parameter echoes the VLAN tag you gave.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Create a VLAN interface from an existing physical interface

Deprecated in:  XenServer 4.1   Replaced by VLAN.create
void db_forget (PIF ref)

Destroy a PIF database record.

Parameters: PIF ref self    The ref of the PIF whose database record should be destroyed

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Destroy a PIF database record.
PIF ref db_introduce (string, network ref, host ref, string, int, int, bool, ip_configuration_mode, string, string, string, string, Bond ref, VLAN ref, bool, (string → string) map, bool, ipv6_configuration_mode, string set, string, primary_address_type, bool, (string → string) map)

Create a new PIF record in the database only

Parameters: string device   

network ref network 

host ref host   

string MAC  

int MTU 

int VLAN    

bool physical   

ip_configuration_mode ip_configuration_mode 

string IP   

string netmask  

string gateway  

string DNS  

Bond ref bond_slave_of  

VLAN ref VLAN_master_of 

bool management 

(string → string) map other_config  

bool disallow_unplug    

ipv6_configuration_mode ipv6_configuration_mode 

string set IPv6 

string ipv6_gateway 

primary_address_type primary_address_type   

bool managed    

(string → string) map properties    

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The ref of the newly created PIF record.

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Create a new PIF record in the database only
void destroy (PIF ref) Deprecated

Destroy the PIF object (provided it is a VLAN interface). This call is deprecated: use VLAN.destroy or Bond.destroy instead

Parameters: PIF ref self    the PIF object to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: PIF_IS_PHYSICAL You tried to destroy a PIF, but it represents an aspect of the physical host configuration, and so cannot be destroyed. The parameter echoes the PIF handle you gave.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Destroy the PIF object (provided it is a VLAN interface)

Deprecated in:  XenServer 4.1   Replaced by VLAN.destroy and Bond.destroy
void forget (PIF ref)

Destroy the PIF object matching a particular network interface

Parameters: PIF ref self    The PIF object to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: PIF_TUNNEL_STILL_EXISTS Operation cannot proceed while a tunnel exists on this interface.

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Destroy the PIF object matching a particular network interface
PIF ref introduce (host ref, string, string, bool)

Create a PIF object matching a particular network interface

Parameters: host ref host   The host on which the interface exists

string MAC  The MAC address of the interface

string device   The device name to use for the interface

bool managed    Indicates whether the interface is managed by xapi (defaults to "true")

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the created PIF object

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Create a PIF object matching a particular network interface
void plug (PIF ref)

Attempt to bring up a physical interface

Parameters: PIF ref self    the PIF object to plug

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: TRANSPORT_PIF_NOT_CONFIGURED    The tunnel transport PIF has no IP configuration set.

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Attempt to bring up a physical interface
void reconfigure_ip (PIF ref, ip_configuration_mode, string, string, string, string)

Reconfigure the IP address settings for this interface

Parameters: PIF ref self    the PIF object to reconfigure

ip_configuration_mode mode  whether to use dynamic/static/no-assignment

string IP   the new IP address

string netmask  the new netmask

string gateway  the new gateway

string DNS  the new DNS settings

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Reconfigure the IP address settings for this interface
void reconfigure_ipv6 (PIF ref, ipv6_configuration_mode, string, string, string) Prototype

Reconfigure the IPv6 address settings for this interface

Parameters: PIF ref self    the PIF object to reconfigure

ipv6_configuration_mode mode    whether to use dynamic/static/no-assignment

string IPv6 the new IPv6 address (in / format)

string gateway  the new gateway

string DNS  the new DNS settings

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Prototyped in:  XenServer 6.1   

void scan (host ref)

Scan for physical interfaces on a host and create PIF objects to represent them

Parameters: host ref host   The host on which to scan

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Scan for physical interfaces on a host and create PIF objects to represent them
void set_primary_address_type (PIF ref, primary_address_type) Prototype

Change the primary address type used by this PIF

Parameters: PIF ref self    the PIF object to reconfigure

primary_address_type primary_address_type   Whether to prefer IPv4 or IPv6 connections

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Prototyped in:  XenServer 6.1   

void set_property (PIF ref, string, string)

Set the value of a property of the PIF

Parameters: PIF ref self    The PIF

string name The property name

string value    The property value

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.5   
void unplug (PIF ref)

Attempt to bring down a physical interface

Parameters: PIF ref self    the PIF object to unplug

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Attempt to bring down a physical interface

Class: PIF_metrics

The metrics associated with a physical network interface


bool carrier [read-only]

Report if the PIF got a carrier or not

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Report if the PIF got a carrier or not
string device_id [read-only]

Report device ID

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Report device ID
string device_name [read-only]

Report device name

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Report device name
bool duplex [read-only]

Full duplex capability of the link (if available)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Full duplex capability of the link (if available)
float io_read_kbs [read-only]

Read bandwidth (KiB/s)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Read bandwidth (KiB/s)
float io_write_kbs [read-only]

Write bandwidth (KiB/s)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Write bandwidth (KiB/s)
datetime last_updated [read-only]

Time at which this information was last updated

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which this information was last updated
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   additional configuration
string pci_bus_path [read-only]

PCI bus path of the pif (if available)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   PCI bus path of the pif (if available)
int speed [read-only]

Speed of the link (if available)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Speed of the link (if available)
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
string vendor_id [read-only]

Report vendor ID

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Report vendor ID
string vendor_name [read-only]

Report vendor name

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Report vendor name



Class: pool

Pool-wide information



Values: ha_enable   Indicates this pool is in the process of enabling HA

ha_disable  Indicates this pool is in the process of disabling HA


pool_allowed_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
(string → blob ref) map blobs [read-only]

Binary blobs associated with this pool

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Binary blobs associated with this pool
(string → string) map cpu_info [read-only]

Details about the physical CPUs on the pool

Default value:  {}

Published in:   Unreleased  Details about the physical CPUs on the pool
SR ref crash_dump_SR [read/write]

The SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created
(string → pool_allowed_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
SR ref default_SR [read/write]

Default SR for VDIs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Default SR for VDIs
(string → string) map guest_agent_config [read-only]

Pool-wide guest agent configuration information

Default value:  {}

Published in:   Unreleased  Pool-wide guest agent configuration information
(string → string) map gui_config [read/write]

gui-specific configuration for pool

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   gui-specific configuration for pool
bool ha_allow_overcommit [read/write]

If set to false then operations which would cause the Pool to become overcommitted will be blocked.

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   If set to false then operations which would cause the Pool to become overcommitted will be blocked.
string ha_cluster_stack [read-only]

The HA cluster stack that is currently in use. Only valid when HA is enabled.

Default value:  ""

Published in:   Unreleased  The HA cluster stack that is currently in use. Only valid when HA is enabled.
(string → string) map ha_configuration [read-only]

The current HA configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   The current HA configuration
bool ha_enabled [read-only]

true if HA is enabled on the pool, false otherwise

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   true if HA is enabled on the pool, false otherwise
int ha_host_failures_to_tolerate [read-only]

Number of host failures to tolerate before the Pool is declared to be overcommitted

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Number of host failures to tolerate before the Pool is declared to be overcommitted
bool ha_overcommitted [read-only]

True if the Pool is considered to be overcommitted i.e. if there exist insufficient physical resources to tolerate the configured number of host failures

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   True if the Pool is considered to be overcommitted i.e. if there exist insufficient physical resources to tolerate the configured number of host failures
int ha_plan_exists_for [read-only]

Number of future host failures we have managed to find a plan for. Once this reaches zero any future host failures will cause the failure of protected VMs.

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Number of future host failures we have managed to find a plan for. Once this reaches zero any future host failures will cause the failure of protected VMs.
string set ha_statefiles [read-only]

HA statefile VDIs in use

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   HA statefile VDIs in use
(string → string) map health_check_config [read/write]

Configuration for the automatic health check feature

Default value:  {}

Published in:   Unreleased  Configuration for the automatic health check feature
host ref master [read-only]

The host that is pool master

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The host that is pool master
VDI ref set metadata_VDIs [read-only]

The set of currently known metadata VDIs for this pool

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The set of currently known metadata VDIs for this pool
string name_description [read/write]


Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Description
string name_label [read/write]

Short name

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Short name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
bool policy_no_vendor_device [read/write]

The pool-wide policy for clients on whether to use the vendor device or not on newly created VMs. This field will also be consulted if the 'has_vendor_device' field is not specified in the VM.create call.

Default value:  false

Published in:   Unreleased  The pool-wide policy for clients on whether to use the vendor device or not on newly created VMs. This field will also be consulted if the 'has_vendor_device' field is not specified in the VM.create call.
bool redo_log_enabled [read-only]

true a redo-log is to be used other than when HA is enabled, false otherwise

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   true a redo-log is to be used other than when HA is enabled, false otherwise
VDI ref redo_log_vdi [read-only]

indicates the VDI to use for the redo-log other than when HA is enabled

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   indicates the VDI to use for the redo-log other than when HA is enabled
(string → string) map restrictions [read-only]

Pool-wide restrictions currently in effect

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Pool-wide restrictions currently in effect
SR ref suspend_image_SR [read/write]

The SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created
string set tags [read/write]

user-specified tags for categorization purposes

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   user-specified tags for categorization purposes
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
string vswitch_controller [read-only]

address of the vswitch controller

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   address of the vswitch controller
bool wlb_enabled [read/write]

true if workload balancing is enabled on the pool, false otherwise

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   true if workload balancing is enabled on the pool, false otherwise
string wlb_url [read-only]

Url for the configured workload balancing host

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Url for the configured workload balancing host
string wlb_username [read-only]

Username for accessing the workload balancing host

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Username for accessing the workload balancing host
bool wlb_verify_cert [read/write]

true if communication with the WLB server should enforce SSL certificate verification.

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   true if communication with the WLB server should enforce SSL certificate verification.


void add_to_guest_agent_config (pool ref, string, string)

Add a key-value pair to the pool-wide guest agent configuration

Parameters: pool ref self   The pool

string key  The key to add

string value    The value to add

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   Unreleased  Add a key-value pair to the pool-wide guest agent configuration
void apply_edition (pool ref, string)

Apply an edition to all hosts in the pool

Parameters: pool ref self   Reference to the pool

string edition  The requested edition

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.2   Apply an edition to all hosts in the pool
void certificate_install (string, string)

Install an SSL certificate pool-wide.

Parameters: string name A name to give the certificate

string cert The certificate

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Install an SSL certificate pool-wide.
string set certificate_list ()

List all installed SSL certificates.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: All installed certificates

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   List all installed SSL certificates.
void certificate_sync ()

Sync SSL certificates from master to slaves.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Sync SSL certificates from master to slaves.
void certificate_uninstall (string)

Remove an SSL certificate.

Parameters: string name The certificate name

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Remove an SSL certificate.
blob ref create_new_blob (pool ref, string, string, bool)

Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool

Parameters: pool ref pool   The pool

string name The name associated with the blob

string mime_type    The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream

bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool
PIF ref set create_VLAN (string, network ref, int)

Create PIFs, mapping a network to the same physical interface/VLAN on each host. This call is deprecated: use Pool.create_VLAN_from_PIF instead.

Parameters: string device   physical interface on which to create the VLAN interface

network ref network network to which this interface should be connected

int VLAN    VLAN tag for the new interface

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The references of the created PIF objects

Errors: VLAN_TAG_INVALID    You tried to create a VLAN, but the tag you gave was invalid -- it must be between 0 and 4094. The parameter echoes the VLAN tag you gave.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Create PIFs, mapping a network to the same physical interface/VLAN on each host. This call is deprecated: use Pool.create_VLAN_from_PIF instead.
PIF ref set create_VLAN_from_PIF (PIF ref, network ref, int)

Create a pool-wide VLAN by taking the PIF.

Parameters: PIF ref pif physical interface on any particular host, that identifies the PIF on which to create the (pool-wide) VLAN interface

network ref network network to which this interface should be connected

int VLAN    VLAN tag for the new interface

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The references of the created PIF objects

Errors: VLAN_TAG_INVALID    You tried to create a VLAN, but the tag you gave was invalid -- it must be between 0 and 4094. The parameter echoes the VLAN tag you gave.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Create a pool-wide VLAN by taking the PIF.
void crl_install (string, string)

Install an SSL certificate revocation list, pool-wide.

Parameters: string name A name to give the CRL

string cert The CRL

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Install an SSL certificate revocation list, pool-wide.
string set crl_list ()

List all installed SSL certificate revocation lists.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: All installed CRLs

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   List all installed SSL certificate revocation lists.
void crl_uninstall (string)

Remove an SSL certificate revocation list.

Parameters: string name The CRL name

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Remove an SSL certificate revocation list.
void deconfigure_wlb ()

Permanently deconfigures workload balancing monitoring on this pool

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Permanently deconfigures workload balancing monitoring on this pool
void designate_new_master (host ref)

Perform an orderly handover of the role of master to the referenced host.

Parameters: host ref host   The host who should become the new master

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Perform an orderly handover of the role of master to the referenced host.
void detect_nonhomogeneous_external_auth (pool ref)

This call asynchronously detects if the external authentication configuration in any slave is different from that in the master and raises appropriate alerts

Parameters: pool ref pool   The pool where to detect non-homogeneous external authentication configuration

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   This call asynchronously detects if the external authentication configuration in any slave is different from that in the master and raises appropriate alerts
void disable_external_auth (pool ref, (string → string) map)

This call disables external authentication on all the hosts of the pool

Parameters: pool ref pool   The pool whose external authentication should be disabled

(string → string) map config    Optional parameters as a list of key-values containing the configuration data

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   This call disables external authentication on all the hosts of the pool
void disable_ha ()

Turn off High Availability mode

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Turn off High Availability mode
void disable_local_storage_caching (pool ref)

This call disables pool-wide local storage caching

Parameters: pool ref self   Reference to the pool

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   This call disables pool-wide local storage caching
void disable_redo_log ()

Disable the redo log if in use, unless HA is enabled.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Disable the redo log if in use, unless HA is enabled.
void disable_ssl_legacy (pool ref)

Sets ssl_legacy true on each host, pool-master last. See Host.ssl_legacy and Host.set_ssl_legacy.

Parameters: pool ref self   (ignored)

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  
void eject (host ref)

Instruct a pool master to eject a host from the pool

Parameters: host ref host   The host to eject

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Instruct a pool master to eject a host from the pool
void emergency_reset_master (string)

Instruct a slave already in a pool that the master has changed

Parameters: string master_address   The hostname of the master

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Instruct a slave already in a pool that the master has changed
void emergency_transition_to_master ()

Instruct host that's currently a slave to transition to being master

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Instruct host that's currently a slave to transition to being master
void enable_external_auth (pool ref, (string → string) map, string, string)

This call enables external authentication on all the hosts of the pool

Parameters: pool ref pool   The pool whose external authentication should be enabled

(string → string) map config    A list of key-values containing the configuration data

string service_name The name of the service

string auth_type    The type of authentication (e.g. AD for Active Directory)

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   This call enables external authentication on all the hosts of the pool
void enable_ha (SR ref set, (string → string) map)

Turn on High Availability mode

Parameters: SR ref set heartbeat_srs    Set of SRs to use for storage heartbeating

(string → string) map configuration Detailed HA configuration to apply

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Turn on High Availability mode
void enable_local_storage_caching (pool ref)

This call attempts to enable pool-wide local storage caching

Parameters: pool ref self   Reference to the pool

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   This call attempts to enable pool-wide local storage caching
void enable_redo_log (SR ref)

Enable the redo log on the given SR and start using it, unless HA is enabled.

Parameters: SR ref sr   SR to hold the redo log.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Enable the redo log on the given SR and start using it, unless HA is enabled.
void enable_ssl_legacy (pool ref)

Sets ssl_legacy true on each host, pool-master last. See Host.ssl_legacy and Host.set_ssl_legacy.

Parameters: pool ref self   (ignored)

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  
(string → string) map get_license_state (pool ref)

This call returns the license state for the pool

Parameters: pool ref self   Reference to the pool

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The pool's license state

Published in:   XenServer 6.2   This call returns the license state for the pool
int ha_compute_hypothetical_max_host_failures_to_tolerate ((VM ref → string) map)

Returns the maximum number of host failures we could tolerate before we would be unable to restart the provided VMs

Parameters: (VM ref → string) map configuration Map of protected VM reference to restart priority

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: maximum value for ha_host_failures_to_tolerate given provided configuration

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Returns the maximum number of host failures we could tolerate before we would be unable to restart the provided VMs
int ha_compute_max_host_failures_to_tolerate ()

Returns the maximum number of host failures we could tolerate before we would be unable to restart configured VMs

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: maximum value for ha_host_failures_to_tolerate given current configuration

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Returns the maximum number of host failures we could tolerate before we would be unable to restart configured VMs
(VM ref → (string → string) map) map ha_compute_vm_failover_plan (host ref set, VM ref set)

Return a VM failover plan assuming a given subset of hosts fail

Parameters: host ref set failed_hosts   The set of hosts to assume have failed

VM ref set failed_vms   The set of VMs to restart

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: VM failover plan: a map of VM to host to restart the host on

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Return a VM failover plan assuming a given subset of hosts fail
bool ha_failover_plan_exists (int)

Returns true if a VM failover plan exists for up to 'n' host failures

Parameters: int n   The number of host failures to plan for

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: true if a failover plan exists for the supplied number of host failures

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Returns true if a VM failover plan exists for up to 'n' host failures
void ha_prevent_restarts_for (int)

When this call returns the VM restart logic will not run for the requested number of seconds. If the argument is zero then the restart thread is immediately unblocked

Parameters: int seconds The number of seconds to block the restart thread for

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0 Update 1  When this call returns the VM restart logic will not run for the requested number of seconds. If the argument is zero then the restart thread is immediately unblocked
bool has_extension (pool ref, string)

Return true if the extension is available on the pool

Parameters: pool ref self   The pool

string name The name of the API call

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Result: True if the extension exists, false otherwise

Published in:   Unreleased  Return true if the extension is available on the pool
void initialize_wlb (string, string, string, string, string)

Initializes workload balancing monitoring on this pool with the specified wlb server

Parameters: string wlb_url  The ip address and port to use when accessing the wlb server

string wlb_username The username used to authenticate with the wlb server

string wlb_password The password used to authenticate with the wlb server

string xenserver_username   The username used by the wlb server to authenticate with the xenserver

string xenserver_password   The password used by the wlb server to authenticate with the xenserver

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Initializes workload balancing monitoring on this pool with the specified wlb server
void join (string, string, string)

Instruct host to join a new pool

Parameters: string master_address   The hostname of the master of the pool to join

string master_username  The username of the master (for initial authentication)

string master_password  The password for the master (for initial authentication)

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: JOINING_HOST_CANNOT_CONTAIN_SHARED_SRS  The host joining the pool cannot contain any shared storage.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Instruct host to join a new pool
void join_force (string, string, string)

Instruct host to join a new pool

Parameters: string master_address   The hostname of the master of the pool to join

string master_username  The username of the master (for initial authentication)

string master_password  The password for the master (for initial authentication)

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Instruct host to join a new pool
host ref set recover_slaves ()

Instruct a pool master, M, to try and contact its slaves and, if slaves are in emergency mode, reset their master address to M.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: list of hosts whose master address were successfully reset

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Instruct a pool master, M, to try and contact its slaves and, if slaves are in emergency mode, reset their master address to M.
void remove_from_guest_agent_config (pool ref, string)

Remove a key-value pair from the pool-wide guest agent configuration

Parameters: pool ref self   The pool

string key  The key to remove

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   Unreleased  Remove a key-value pair from the pool-wide guest agent configuration
(string → string) map retrieve_wlb_configuration ()

Retrieves the pool optimization criteria from the workload balancing server

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The configuration used in optimizing this pool

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Retrieves the pool optimization criteria from the workload balancing server
(VM ref → string set) map retrieve_wlb_recommendations ()

Retrieves vm migrate recommendations for the pool from the workload balancing server

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The list of vm migration recommendations

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Retrieves vm migrate recommendations for the pool from the workload balancing server
string send_test_post (string, int, string)

Send the given body to the given host and port, using HTTPS, and print the response. This is used for debugging the SSL layer.

Parameters: string host 

int port    

string body 

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Result: The response

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Send the given body to the given host and port, using HTTPS, and print the response. This is used for debugging the SSL layer.
void send_wlb_configuration ((string → string) map)

Sets the pool optimization criteria for the workload balancing server

Parameters: (string → string) map config    The configuration to use in optimizing this pool

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Sets the pool optimization criteria for the workload balancing server
void set_ha_host_failures_to_tolerate (pool ref, int)

Set the maximum number of host failures to consider in the HA VM restart planner

Parameters: pool ref self   The pool

int value   New number of host failures to consider

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Set the maximum number of host failures to consider in the HA VM restart planner
void set_vswitch_controller (string)

Set the IP address of the vswitch controller.

Parameters: string address  IP address of the vswitch controller.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the IP address of the vswitch controller.
Extended in:    XenServer 5.6 FP1   Allow to be set to the empty string (no controller is used).

void sync_database ()

Forcibly synchronise the database now

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Forcibly synchronise the database now
string test_archive_target (pool ref, (string → string) map)

This call tests if a location is valid

Parameters: pool ref self   Reference to the pool

(string → string) map config    Location config settings to test

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: An XMLRPC result

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   This call tests if a location is valid

Class: pool_patch

Pool-wide patches



Values: restartHVM  This patch requires HVM guests to be restarted once applied.

restartPV   This patch requires PV guests to be restarted once applied.

restartHost This patch requires the host to be restarted once applied.

restartXAPI This patch requires XAPI to be restarted once applied.


after_apply_guidance set after_apply_guidance [read-only]

What the client should do after this patch has been applied.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   What the client should do after this patch has been applied.
host_patch ref set host_patches [read-only]

This hosts this patch is applied to.

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   This hosts this patch is applied to.
string name_description [read-only]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read-only]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
bool pool_applied [read-only]

This patch should be applied across the entire pool

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   This patch should be applied across the entire pool
int size [read-only]

Size of the patch

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Size of the patch
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
string version [read-only]

Patch version number

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Patch version number


string apply (pool_patch ref, host ref)

Apply the selected patch to a host and return its output

Parameters: pool_patch ref self The patch to apply

host ref host   The host to apply the patch too

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: the output of the patch application process

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Apply the selected patch to a host and return its output
void clean (pool_patch ref)

Removes the patch's files from the server

Parameters: pool_patch ref self The patch to clean up

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Removes the patch's files from the server
void clean_on_host (pool_patch ref, host ref)

Removes the patch's files from the specified host

Parameters: pool_patch ref self The patch to clean up

host ref host   The host on which to clean the patch

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Removes the patch's files from the specified host
void destroy (pool_patch ref)

Removes the patch's files from all hosts in the pool, and removes the database entries. Only works on unapplied patches.

Parameters: pool_patch ref self The patch to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Removes the patch's files from all hosts in the pool, and removes the database entries. Only works on unapplied patches.
void pool_apply (pool_patch ref)

Apply the selected patch to all hosts in the pool and return a map of host_ref -> patch output

Parameters: pool_patch ref self The patch to apply

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Apply the selected patch to all hosts in the pool and return a map of host_ref -> patch output
void pool_clean (pool_patch ref)

Removes the patch's files from all hosts in the pool, but does not remove the database entries

Parameters: pool_patch ref self The patch to clean up

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Removes the patch's files from all hosts in the pool, but does not remove the database entries
string precheck (pool_patch ref, host ref)

Execute the precheck stage of the selected patch on a host and return its output

Parameters: pool_patch ref self The patch whose prechecks will be run

host ref host   The host to run the prechecks on

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: the output of the patch prechecks

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Execute the precheck stage of the selected patch on a host and return its output

Class: role

A set of permissions associated with a subject


string name_description [read-only]

what this role is for

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   what this role is for
string name_label [read-only]

a short user-friendly name for the role

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   a short user-friendly name for the role
role ref set subroles [read-only]

a list of pointers to other roles or permissions

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   a list of pointers to other roles or permissions
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


role ref set get_by_permission (role ref)

This call returns a list of roles given a permission

Parameters: role ref permission a reference to a permission

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: a list of references to roles

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   This call returns a list of roles given a permission
role ref set get_by_permission_name_label (string)

This call returns a list of roles given a permission name

Parameters: string label    The short friendly name of the role

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: a list of references to roles

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   This call returns a list of roles given a permission name
role ref set get_permissions (role ref)

This call returns a list of permissions given a role

Parameters: role ref self   a reference to a role

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: a list of permissions

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   This call returns a list of permissions given a role
string set get_permissions_name_label (role ref)

This call returns a list of permission names given a role

Parameters: role ref self   a reference to a role

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: a list of permission names

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   This call returns a list of permission names given a role

Class: secret

A secret


(string → string) map other_config [read/write]


Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   other_config
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
string value [read/write]

the secret

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the secret



Class: session

A session


string auth_user_name [read-only]

the subject name of the user that was externally authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   the subject name of the user that was externally authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.
string auth_user_sid [read-only]

the subject identifier of the user that was externally authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   the subject identifier of the user that was externally authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.
bool is_local_superuser [read-only]

true iff this session was created using local superuser credentials

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   true iff this session was created using local superuser credentials
datetime last_active [read-only]

Timestamp for last time session was active

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Timestamp for last time session was active
string originator [read-only]

a key string provided by a API user to distinguish itself from other users sharing the same login name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.2   a key string provided by a API user to distinguish itself from other users sharing the same login name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
session ref parent [read-only]

references the parent session that created this session

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   references the parent session that created this session
bool pool [read-only]

True if this session relates to a intra-pool login, false otherwise

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   True if this session relates to a intra-pool login, false otherwise
string set rbac_permissions [read-only]

list with all RBAC permissions for this session

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   list with all RBAC permissions for this session
subject ref subject [read-only]

references the subject instance that created the session. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   references the subject instance that created the session. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.
task ref set tasks [read-only]

list of tasks created using the current session

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   list of tasks created using the current session
host ref this_host [read-only]

Currently connected host

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Currently connected host
user ref this_user [read-only]

Currently connected user

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Currently connected user
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
datetime validation_time [read-only]

time when session was last validated

Default value:  19700101T00:00:00Z

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   time when session was last validated


void change_password (string, string)

Change the account password; if your session is authenticated with root priviledges then the old_pwd is validated and the new_pwd is set regardless

Parameters: string old_pwd  Old password for account

string new_pwd  New password for account

Minimum role:   undefined

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Change the account password; if your session is authenticated with root priviledges then the old_pwd is validated and the new_pwd is set regardless
session ref create_from_db_file (string)

Parameters: string filename Database dump filename.

Minimum role:   undefined

Result: ID of newly created session

Published in:   Unreleased  
string set get_all_subject_identifiers ()

Return a list of all the user subject-identifiers of all existing sessions

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The list of user subject-identifiers of all existing sessions

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Return a list of all the user subject-identifiers of all existing sessions
void local_logout ()

Log out of local session.

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Log out of local session.
session ref login_with_password (string, string, string, string)

Attempt to authenticate the user, returning a session reference if successful

Parameters: string uname    Username for login.

string pwd  Password for login.

string version  Client API version.

string originator   Key string for distinguishing different API users sharing the same login name.

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: reference of newly created session

Errors: SESSION_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED   The credentials given by the user are incorrect, so access has been denied, and you have not been issued a session handle.

HOST_IS_SLAVE   You cannot make regular API calls directly on a slave. Please pass API calls via the master host.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Attempt to authenticate the user, returning a session reference if successful
void logout ()

Log out of a session

Minimum role:   read-only

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Log out of a session
void logout_subject_identifier (string)

Log out all sessions associated to a user subject-identifier, except the session associated with the context calling this function

Parameters: string subject_identifier   User subject-identifier of the sessions to be destroyed

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Log out all sessions associated to a user subject-identifier, except the session associated with the context calling this function
session ref slave_local_login_with_password (string, string)

Authenticate locally against a slave in emergency mode. Note the resulting sessions are only good for use on this host.

Parameters: string uname    Username for login.

string pwd  Password for login.

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Result: ID of newly created session

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Authenticate locally against a slave in emergency mode. Note the resulting sessions are only good for use on this host.

Class: SM

A storage manager plugin


string set capabilities [read-only] Deprecated

capabilities of the SM plugin

Default value:  {}

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.2   Use SM.features instead
(string → string) map configuration [read-only]

names and descriptions of device config keys

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   names and descriptions of device config keys
string copyright [read-only]

Entity which owns the copyright of this plugin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Entity which owns the copyright of this plugin
string driver_filename [read-only]

filename of the storage driver

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   filename of the storage driver
(string → int) map features [read-only]

capabilities of the SM plugin, with capability version numbers

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.2   capabilities of the SM plugin, with capability version numbers
string name_description [read-only]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read-only]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
string required_api_version [read-only]

Minimum SM API version required on the server

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Minimum SM API version required on the server
string set required_cluster_stack [read-only]

The storage plugin requires that one of these cluster stacks is configured and running.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   Unreleased  The storage plugin requires that one of these cluster stacks is configured and running.
string type [read-only]


Published in:   XenServer 4.0   SR.type
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
string vendor [read-only]

Vendor who created this plugin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Vendor who created this plugin
string version [read-only]

Version of the plugin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Version of the plugin



Class: SR

A storage repository



Values: scan    Scanning backends for new or deleted VDIs

destroy Destroying the SR

forget  Forgetting about SR

plug    Plugging a PBD into this SR

unplug  Unplugging a PBD from this SR

update  Refresh the fields on the SR

vdi_create  Creating a new VDI

vdi_introduce   Introducing a new VDI

vdi_destroy Destroying a VDI

vdi_resize  Resizing a VDI

vdi_clone   Cloneing a VDI

vdi_snapshot    Snapshotting a VDI

pbd_create  Creating a PBD for this SR

pbd_destroy Destroying one of this SR's PBDs


storage_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
(string → blob ref) map blobs [read-only]

Binary blobs associated with this SR

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Binary blobs associated with this SR
bool clustered [read-only]

True if the SR is using aggregated local storage

Default value:  false

Published in:   Unreleased  
string content_type [read-only]

the type of the SR's content, if required (e.g. ISOs)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the type of the SR's content, if required (e.g. ISOs)
(string → storage_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
DR_task ref introduced_by [read-only]

The disaster recovery task which introduced this SR

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The disaster recovery task which introduced this SR
bool is_tools_sr [read-only]

True if this is the SR that contains the Tools ISO VDIs

Default value:  false

Published in:   Unreleased  
bool local_cache_enabled [read-only]

True if this SR is assigned to be the local cache for its host

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   True if this SR is assigned to be the local cache for its host
string name_description [read-only]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read-only]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
PBD ref set PBDs [read-only]

describes how particular hosts can see this storage repository

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   describes how particular hosts can see this storage repository
int physical_size [read-only]

total physical size of the repository (in bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   total physical size of the repository (in bytes)
int physical_utilisation [read-only]

physical space currently utilised on this storage repository (in bytes). Note that for sparse disk formats, physical_utilisation may be less than virtual_allocation

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   physical space currently utilised on this storage repository (in bytes). Note that for sparse disk formats, physical_utilisation may be less than virtual_allocation
bool shared [read-only]

true if this SR is (capable of being) shared between multiple hosts

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if this SR is (capable of being) shared between multiple hosts
(string → string) map sm_config [read/write]

SM dependent data

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   SM dependent data
string set tags [read/write]

user-specified tags for categorization purposes

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   user-specified tags for categorization purposes
string type [read-only]

type of the storage repository

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   type of the storage repository
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VDI ref set VDIs [read-only]

all virtual disks known to this storage repository

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   all virtual disks known to this storage repository
int virtual_allocation [read-only]

sum of virtual_sizes of all VDIs in this storage repository (in bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   sum of virtual_sizes of all VDIs in this storage repository (in bytes)


void assert_can_host_ha_statefile (SR ref)

Returns successfully if the given SR can host an HA statefile. Otherwise returns an error to explain why not

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to query

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Returns successfully if the given SR can host an HA statefile. Otherwise returns an error to explain why not
void assert_supports_database_replication (SR ref)

Returns successfully if the given SR supports database replication. Otherwise returns an error to explain why not.

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to query

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Returns successfully if the given SR supports database replication. Otherwise returns an error to explain why not.
SR ref create (host ref, (string → string) map, int, string, string, string, string, bool, (string → string) map)

Create a new Storage Repository and introduce it into the managed system, creating both SR record and PBD record to attach it to current host (with specified device_config parameters)

Parameters: host ref host   The host to create/make the SR on

(string → string) map device_config The device config string that will be passed to backend SR driver

int physical_size   The physical size of the new storage repository

string name_label   The name of the new storage repository

string name_description The description of the new storage repository

string type The type of the SR; used to specify the SR backend driver to use

string content_type The type of the new SRs content, if required (e.g. ISOs)

bool shared True if the SR (is capable of) being shared by multiple hosts

(string → string) map sm_config Storage backend specific configuration options

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the newly created Storage Repository.

Errors: SR_UNKNOWN_DRIVER   The SR could not be connected because the driver was not recognised.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Create a new Storage Repository and introduce it into the managed system, creating both SR record and PBD record to attach it to current host (with specified device_config parameters)
blob ref create_new_blob (SR ref, string, string, bool)

Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this SR

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR

string name The name associated with the blob

string mime_type    The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream

bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this SR
void destroy (SR ref)

Destroy specified SR, removing SR-record from database and remove SR from disk. (In order to affect this operation the appropriate device_config is read from the specified SR's PBD on current host)

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: SR_HAS_PBD  The SR is still connected to a host via a PBD. It cannot be destroyed or forgotten.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Destroy specified SR, removing SR-record from database and remove SR from disk. (In order to affect this operation the appropriate device_config is read from the specified SR's PBD on current host)
void disable_database_replication (SR ref)

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to which metadata should be no longer replicated

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
void enable_database_replication (SR ref)

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to which metadata should be replicated

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
void forget (SR ref)

Removing specified SR-record from database, without attempting to remove SR from disk

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: SR_HAS_PBD  The SR is still connected to a host via a PBD. It cannot be destroyed or forgotten.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Removing specified SR-record from database, without attempting to remove SR from disk
void forget_data_source_archives (SR ref, string)

Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR

string data_source  The data source whose archives are to be forgotten

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source
data_source record set get_data_sources (SR ref)

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to interrogate

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: A set of data sources

Published in:   Unreleased  
string set get_supported_types ()

Return a set of all the SR types supported by the system

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the supported SR types

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Return a set of all the SR types supported by the system
SR ref introduce (string, string, string, string, string, bool, (string → string) map)

Introduce a new Storage Repository into the managed system

Parameters: string uuid The uuid assigned to the introduced SR

string name_label   The name of the new storage repository

string name_description The description of the new storage repository

string type The type of the SR; used to specify the SR backend driver to use

string content_type The type of the new SRs content, if required (e.g. ISOs)

bool shared True if the SR (is capable of) being shared by multiple hosts

(string → string) map sm_config Storage backend specific configuration options

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the newly introduced Storage Repository.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Introduce a new Storage Repository into the managed system
string make (host ref, (string → string) map, int, string, string, string, string, (string → string) map) Deprecated

Create a new Storage Repository on disk. This call is deprecated: use SR.create instead.

Parameters: host ref host   The host to create/make the SR on

(string → string) map device_config The device config string that will be passed to backend SR driver

int physical_size   The physical size of the new storage repository

string name_label   The name of the new storage repository

string name_description The description of the new storage repository

string type The type of the SR; used to specify the SR backend driver to use

string content_type The type of the new SRs content, if required (e.g. ISOs)

(string → string) map sm_config Storage backend specific configuration options

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The uuid of the newly created Storage Repository.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Create a new Storage Repository on disk

Deprecated in:  XenServer 4.1   Use SR.create instead
string probe (host ref, (string → string) map, string, (string → string) map)

Perform a backend-specific scan, using the given device_config. If the device_config is complete, then this will return a list of the SRs present of this type on the device, if any. If the device_config is partial, then a backend-specific scan will be performed, returning results that will guide the user in improving the device_config.

Parameters: host ref host   The host to create/make the SR on

(string → string) map device_config The device config string that will be passed to backend SR driver

string type The type of the SR; used to specify the SR backend driver to use

(string → string) map sm_config Storage backend specific configuration options

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: An XML fragment containing the scan results. These are specific to the scan being performed, and the backend.

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Perform a backend-specific scan, using the given device_config. If the device_config is complete, then this will return a list of the SRs present of this type on the device, if any. If the device_config is partial, then a backend-specific scan will be performed, returning results that will guide the user in improving the device_config.
float query_data_source (SR ref, string)

Query the latest value of the specified data source

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR

string data_source  The data source to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The latest value, averaged over the last 5 seconds

Published in:   Unreleased  Query the latest value of the specified data source
void record_data_source (SR ref, string)

Start recording the specified data source

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR

string data_source  The data source to record

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  Start recording the specified data source
void scan (SR ref)

Refreshes the list of VDIs associated with an SR

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR to scan

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Refreshes the list of VDIs associated with an SR
void set_name_description (SR ref, string)

Set the name description of the SR

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR

string value    The name description for the SR

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set the name description of the SR
void set_name_label (SR ref, string)

Set the name label of the SR

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR

string value    The name label for the SR

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set the name label of the SR
void set_physical_size (SR ref, int)

Sets the SR's physical_size field

Parameters: SR ref self The SR to modify

int value   The new value of the SR's physical_size

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the SR's physical_size field
void set_physical_utilisation (SR ref, int)

Sets the SR's physical_utilisation field

Parameters: SR ref self The SR to modify

int value   The new value of the SR's physical utilisation

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the SR's physical_utilisation field
void set_shared (SR ref, bool)

Sets the shared flag on the SR

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR

bool value  True if the SR is shared

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Sets the shared flag on the SR
void set_virtual_allocation (SR ref, int)

Sets the SR's virtual_allocation field

Parameters: SR ref self The SR to modify

int value   The new value of the SR's virtual_allocation

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the SR's virtual_allocation field
void update (SR ref)

Refresh the fields on the SR object

Parameters: SR ref sr   The SR whose fields should be refreshed

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1.1 Refresh the fields on the SR object

Class: subject

A user or group that can log in xapi


(string → string) map other_config [read-only]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   additional configuration
role ref set roles [read-only]

the roles associated with this subject

Default value:  {OpaqueRef:0165f154-ba3e-034e-6b27-5d271af109ba}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   the roles associated with this subject
string subject_identifier [read-only]

the subject identifier, unique in the external directory service

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   the subject identifier, unique in the external directory service
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


void add_to_roles (subject ref, role ref)

This call adds a new role to a subject

Parameters: subject ref self    The subject who we want to add the role to

role ref role   The unique role reference

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   This call adds a new role to a subject
string set get_permissions_name_label (subject ref)

This call returns a list of permission names given a subject

Parameters: subject ref self    The subject whose permissions will be retrieved

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: a list of permission names

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   This call returns a list of permission names given a subject
void remove_from_roles (subject ref, role ref)

This call removes a role from a subject

Parameters: subject ref self    The subject from whom we want to remove the role

role ref role   The unique role reference in the subject's roles field

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   This call removes a role from a subject

Class: task

A long-running asynchronous task



Values: cancel  refers to the operation "cancel"

destroy refers to the operation "destroy"

Values: pending task is in progress

success task was completed successfully

failure task has failed

cancelling  task is being cancelled

cancelled   task has been cancelled


task_allowed_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
string backtrace [read-only]

Function call trace for debugging.

Default value:  "()"

Published in:   Unreleased  Function call trace for debugging.
datetime created [read-only]

Time task was created

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time task was created
(string → task_allowed_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
string set error_info [read-only]

if the task has failed, this field contains the set of associated error strings. Undefined otherwise.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   if the task has failed, this field contains the set of associated error strings. Undefined otherwise.
datetime finished [read-only]

Time task finished (i.e. succeeded or failed). If task-status is pending, then the value of this field has no meaning

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time task finished (i.e. succeeded or failed). If task-status is pending, then the value of this field has no meaning
string name_description [read-only]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read-only]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
float progress [read-only]

This field contains the estimated fraction of the task which is complete. This field should not be used to determine whether the task is complete - for this the status field of the task should be used.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   This field contains the estimated fraction of the task which is complete. This field should not be used to determine whether the task is complete - for this the status field of the task should be used.
host ref resident_on [read-only]

the host on which the task is running

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the host on which the task is running
string result [read-only]

if the task has completed successfully, this field contains the result value (either Void or an object reference). Undefined otherwise.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   if the task has completed successfully, this field contains the result value (either Void or an object reference). Undefined otherwise.
task_status_type status [read-only]

current status of the task

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   current status of the task
task ref subtask_of [read-only]

Ref pointing to the task this is a substask of.

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Ref pointing to the task this is a substask of.
task ref set subtasks [read-only]

List pointing to all the substasks.

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   List pointing to all the substasks.
string type [read-only]

if the task has completed successfully, this field contains the type of the encoded result (i.e. name of the class whose reference is in the result field). Undefined otherwise.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   if the task has completed successfully, this field contains the type of the encoded result (i.e. name of the class whose reference is in the result field). Undefined otherwise.
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


void cancel (task ref)

Request that a task be cancelled. Note that a task may fail to be cancelled and may complete or fail normally and note that, even when a task does cancel, it might take an arbitrary amount of time.

Parameters: task ref task   The task

Minimum role:   read-only

Errors: OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Request that a task be cancelled. Note that a task may fail to be cancelled and may complete or fail normally and note that, even when a task does cancel, it might take an arbitrary amount of time.
task ref create (string, string)

Create a new task object which must be manually destroyed.

Parameters: string label    short label for the new task

string description  longer description for the new task

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The reference of the created task object

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Create a new task object which must be manually destroyed.
void destroy (task ref)

Destroy the task object

Parameters: task ref self   Reference to the task object

Minimum role:   read-only

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Destroy the task object

Class: tunnel

A tunnel for network traffic


PIF ref access_PIF [read-only]

The interface through which the tunnel is accessed

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   The interface through which the tunnel is accessed
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

Additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Additional configuration
(string → string) map status [read/write]

Status information about the tunnel

Default value:  {"active" → "false"}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Status information about the tunnel
PIF ref transport_PIF [read-only]

The interface used by the tunnel

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   The interface used by the tunnel
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Unique identifier/object reference


tunnel ref create (PIF ref, network ref)

Create a tunnel

Parameters: PIF ref transport_PIF   PIF which receives the tagged traffic

network ref network Network to receive the tunnelled traffic

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the created tunnel object

Errors: OPENVSWITCH_NOT_ACTIVE  This operation needs the OpenVSwitch networking backend to be enabled on all hosts in the pool.

TRANSPORT_PIF_NOT_CONFIGURED    The tunnel transport PIF has no IP configuration set.

IS_TUNNEL_ACCESS_PIF    You tried to create a VLAN or tunnel on top of a tunnel access PIF - use the underlying transport PIF instead.

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Create a tunnel
void destroy (tunnel ref)

Destroy a tunnel

Parameters: tunnel ref self tunnel to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Destroy a tunnel

Class: user

A user of the system


string fullname [read/write]

full name

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   full name
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   additional configuration
string short_name [read-only]

short name (e.g. userid)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   short name (e.g. userid)
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference



Class: VBD

A virtual block device



Values: attach  Attempting to attach this VBD to a VM

eject   Attempting to eject the media from this VBD

insert  Attempting to insert new media into this VBD

plug    Attempting to hotplug this VBD

unplug  Attempting to hot unplug this VBD

unplug_force    Attempting to forcibly unplug this VBD

pause   Attempting to pause a block device backend

unpause Attempting to unpause a block device backend

Values: RO  only read-only access will be allowed

RW  read-write access will be allowed

Values: CD  VBD will appear to guest as CD

Disk    VBD will appear to guest as disk

Floppy  VBD will appear as a floppy


vbd_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
bool bootable [read/write]

true if this VBD is bootable

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if this VBD is bootable
(string → vbd_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
bool currently_attached [read-only]

is the device currently attached (erased on reboot)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   is the device currently attached (erased on reboot)
string device [read-only]

device seen by the guest e.g. hda1

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   device seen by the guest e.g. hda1
bool empty [read-only]

if true this represents an empty drive

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   if true this represents an empty drive
VBD_metrics ref metrics [read-only]

metrics associated with this VBD

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   metrics associated with this VBD
vbd_mode mode [read/write]

the mode the VBD should be mounted with

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the mode the VBD should be mounted with
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
(string → string) map qos_algorithm_params [read/write]

parameters for chosen QoS algorithm

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   parameters for chosen QoS algorithm
string qos_algorithm_type [read/write]

QoS algorithm to use

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   QoS algorithm to use
string set qos_supported_algorithms [read-only]

supported QoS algorithms for this VBD

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   supported QoS algorithms for this VBD
(string → string) map runtime_properties [read-only]

Device runtime properties

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Device runtime properties
int status_code [read-only]

error/success code associated with last attach-operation (erased on reboot)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   error/success code associated with last attach-operation (erased on reboot)
string status_detail [read-only]

error/success information associated with last attach-operation status (erased on reboot)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   error/success information associated with last attach-operation status (erased on reboot)
bool storage_lock [read-only]

true if a storage level lock was acquired

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if a storage level lock was acquired
vbd_type type [read/write]

how the VBD will appear to the guest (e.g. disk or CD)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   how the VBD will appear to the guest (e.g. disk or CD)
bool unpluggable [read/write]

true if this VBD will support hot-unplug

Default value:  true

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   true if this VBD will support hot-unplug
string userdevice [read/write]

user-friendly device name e.g. 0,1,2,etc.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   user-friendly device name e.g. 0,1,2,etc.
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VDI ref VDI [read-only]

the virtual disk

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the virtual disk
VM ref VM [read-only]

the virtual machine

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the virtual machine


void assert_attachable (VBD ref)

Throws an error if this VBD could not be attached to this VM if the VM were running. Intended for debugging.

Parameters: VBD ref self    The VBD to query

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Throws an error if this VBD could not be attached to this VM if the VM were running. Intended for debugging.
void eject (VBD ref)

Remove the media from the device and leave it empty

Parameters: VBD ref vbd The vbd representing the CDROM-like device

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VBD_NOT_REMOVABLE_MEDIA Media could not be ejected because it is not removable

VBD_IS_EMPTY    Operation could not be performed because the drive is empty

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Remove the media from the device and leave it empty
void insert (VBD ref, VDI ref)

Insert new media into the device

Parameters: VBD ref vbd The vbd representing the CDROM-like device

VDI ref vdi The new VDI to 'insert'

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VBD_NOT_REMOVABLE_MEDIA Media could not be ejected because it is not removable

VBD_NOT_EMPTY   Operation could not be performed because the drive is not empty

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Insert new media into the device
void plug (VBD ref)

Hotplug the specified VBD, dynamically attaching it to the running VM

Parameters: VBD ref self    The VBD to hotplug

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Hotplug the specified VBD, dynamically attaching it to the running VM
void unplug (VBD ref)

Hot-unplug the specified VBD, dynamically unattaching it from the running VM

Parameters: VBD ref self    The VBD to hot-unplug

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Errors: DEVICE_DETACH_REJECTED  The VM rejected the attempt to detach the device.

DEVICE_ALREADY_DETACHED The device is not currently attached

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Hot-unplug the specified VBD, dynamically unattaching it from the running VM
void unplug_force (VBD ref)

Forcibly unplug the specified VBD

Parameters: VBD ref self    The VBD to forcibly unplug

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Forcibly unplug the specified VBD

Class: VBD_metrics

The metrics associated with a virtual block device


float io_read_kbs [read-only]

Read bandwidth (KiB/s)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Read bandwidth (KiB/s)
float io_write_kbs [read-only]

Write bandwidth (KiB/s)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Write bandwidth (KiB/s)
datetime last_updated [read-only]

Time at which this information was last updated

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which this information was last updated
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   additional configuration
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference



Class: VDI

A virtual disk image



Values: scan    Scanning backends for new or deleted VDIs

clone   Cloning the VDI

copy    Copying the VDI

resize  Resizing the VDI

resize_online   Resizing the VDI which may or may not be online

snapshot    Snapshotting the VDI

destroy Destroying the VDI

forget  Forget about the VDI

update  Refreshing the fields of the VDI

force_unlock    Forcibly unlocking the VDI

generate_config Generating static configuration

blocked Operations on this VDI are temporarily blocked

Values: reset   When a VM containing this VDI is started, the contents of the VDI are reset to the state they were in when this flag was last set.

persist Standard behaviour.

Values: system  a disk that may be replaced on upgrade

user    a disk that is always preserved on upgrade

ephemeral   a disk that may be reformatted on upgrade

suspend a disk that stores a suspend image

crashdump   a disk that stores VM crashdump information

ha_statefile    a disk used for HA storage heartbeating

metadata    a disk used for HA Pool metadata

redo_log    a disk used for a general metadata redo-log

rrd a disk that stores SR-level RRDs


bool allow_caching [read-only]

true if this VDI is to be cached in the local cache SR

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   true if this VDI is to be cached in the local cache SR
vdi_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
crashdump ref set crash_dumps [read-only]

list of crash dumps that refer to this disk

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of crash dumps that refer to this disk
(string → vdi_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
bool is_a_snapshot [read-only]

true if this is a snapshot.

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   true if this is a snapshot.
bool is_tools_iso [read-only]

Whether this VDI is a Tools ISO

Default value:  false

Published in:   Unreleased  
string location [read-only]

location information

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   location information
bool managed [read-only]

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   
bool metadata_latest [read-only]

Whether this VDI contains the latest known accessible metadata for the pool

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Whether this VDI contains the latest known accessible metadata for the pool
pool ref metadata_of_pool [read-only]

The pool whose metadata is contained in this VDI

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The pool whose metadata is contained in this VDI
bool missing [read-only]

true if SR scan operation reported this VDI as not present on disk

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if SR scan operation reported this VDI as not present on disk
string name_description [read-only]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read-only]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
on_boot on_boot [read-only]

The behaviour of this VDI on a VM boot

Default value:  persist

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   The behaviour of this VDI on a VM boot
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
VDI ref parent [read-only]

References the parent disk, if this VDI is part of a chain

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   References the parent disk, if this VDI is part of a chain
int physical_utilisation [read-only]

amount of physical space that the disk image is currently taking up on the storage repository (in bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   amount of physical space that the disk image is currently taking up on the storage repository (in bytes)
bool read_only [read-only]

true if this disk may ONLY be mounted read-only

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if this disk may ONLY be mounted read-only
bool sharable [read-only]

true if this disk may be shared

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if this disk may be shared
(string → string) map sm_config [read/write]

SM dependent data

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   SM dependent data
VDI ref snapshot_of [read-only]

Ref pointing to the VDI this snapshot is of.

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Ref pointing to the VDI this snapshot is of.
datetime snapshot_time [read-only]

Date/time when this snapshot was created.

Default value:  19700101T00:00:00Z

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Date/time when this snapshot was created.
VDI ref set snapshots [read-only]

List pointing to all the VDIs snapshots.

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   List pointing to all the VDIs snapshots.
SR ref SR [read-only]

storage repository in which the VDI resides

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   storage repository in which the VDI resides
bool storage_lock [read-only]

true if this disk is locked at the storage level

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if this disk is locked at the storage level
string set tags [read/write]

user-specified tags for categorization purposes

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   user-specified tags for categorization purposes
vdi_type type [read-only]

type of the VDI

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   type of the VDI
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VBD ref set VBDs [read-only]

list of vbds that refer to this disk

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of vbds that refer to this disk
int virtual_size [read-only]

size of disk as presented to the guest (in bytes). Note that, depending on storage backend type, requested size may not be respected exactly

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   size of disk as presented to the guest (in bytes). Note that, depending on storage backend type, requested size may not be respected exactly
(string → string) map xenstore_data [read/write]

data to be inserted into the xenstore tree (/local/domain/0/backend/vbd///sm-data) after the VDI is attached. This is generally set by the SM backends on vdi_attach.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   data to be inserted into the xenstore tree (/local/domain/0/backend/vbd///sm-data) after the VDI is attached. This is generally set by the SM backends on vdi_attach.


VDI ref clone (VDI ref, (string → string) map)

Take an exact copy of the VDI and return a reference to the new disk. If any driver_params are specified then these are passed through to the storage-specific substrate driver that implements the clone operation. NB the clone lives in the same Storage Repository as its parent.

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to clone

(string → string) map driver_params Optional parameters that are passed through to the backend driver in order to specify storage-type-specific clone options

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Result: The ID of the newly created VDI.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Take an exact copy of the VDI and return a reference to the new disk. If any driver_params are specified then these are passed through to the storage-specific substrate driver that implements the clone operation. NB the clone lives in the same Storage Repository as its parent.
VDI ref copy (VDI ref, SR ref, VDI ref, VDI ref)

Copy either a full VDI or the block differences between two VDIs into either a fresh VDI or an existing VDI.

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to copy

SR ref sr   The destination SR (only required if the destination VDI is not specified

VDI ref base_vdi    The base VDI (only required if copying only changed blocks, by default all blocks will be copied)

VDI ref into_vdi    The destination VDI to copy blocks into (if omitted then a destination SR must be provided and a fresh VDI will be created)

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Result: The reference of the VDI where the blocks were written.

Errors: VDI_READONLY    The operation required write access but this VDI is read-only

VDI_TOO_SMALL   The VDI is too small. Please resize it to at least the minimum size.

VDI_NOT_SPARSE  The VDI is not stored using a sparse format. It is not possible to query and manipulate only the changed blocks (or 'block differences' or 'disk deltas') between two VDIs. Please select a VDI which uses a sparse-aware technology such as VHD.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Copies a VDI to an SR. There must be a host that can see both the source and destination SRs simultaneously
Extended in:    XenServer 5.6 FP1   The copy can now be performed between any two SRs.

Extended in:    XenServer 6.2 SP1 Hotfix 4  The copy can now be performed into a pre-created VDI. It is now possible to request copying only changed blocks from a base VDI

void db_forget (VDI ref)

Removes a VDI record from the database

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to forget about

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Removes a VDI record from the database
VDI ref db_introduce (string, string, string, SR ref, vdi_type, bool, bool, (string → string) map, string, (string → string) map, (string → string) map, bool, int, int, pool ref, bool, datetime, VDI ref)

Create a new VDI record in the database only

Parameters: string uuid The uuid of the disk to introduce

string name_label   The name of the disk record

string name_description The description of the disk record

SR ref SR   The SR that the VDI is in

vdi_type type   The type of the VDI

bool sharable   true if this disk may be shared

bool read_only  true if this disk may ONLY be mounted read-only

(string → string) map other_config  additional configuration

string location location information

(string → string) map xenstore_data Data to insert into xenstore

(string → string) map sm_config Storage-specific config

bool managed    Storage-specific config

int virtual_size    Storage-specific config

int physical_utilisation    Storage-specific config

pool ref metadata_of_pool   Storage-specific config

bool is_a_snapshot  Storage-specific config

datetime snapshot_time  Storage-specific config

VDI ref snapshot_of Storage-specific config

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Result: The ref of the newly created VDI record.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Create a new VDI record in the database only
void forget (VDI ref)

Removes a VDI record from the database

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to forget about

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Removes a VDI record from the database
VDI ref introduce (string, string, string, SR ref, vdi_type, bool, bool, (string → string) map, string, (string → string) map, (string → string) map, bool, int, int, pool ref, bool, datetime, VDI ref)

Create a new VDI record in the database only

Parameters: string uuid The uuid of the disk to introduce

string name_label   The name of the disk record

string name_description The description of the disk record

SR ref SR   The SR that the VDI is in

vdi_type type   The type of the VDI

bool sharable   true if this disk may be shared

bool read_only  true if this disk may ONLY be mounted read-only

(string → string) map other_config  additional configuration

string location location information

(string → string) map xenstore_data Data to insert into xenstore

(string → string) map sm_config Storage-specific config

bool managed    Storage-specific config

int virtual_size    Storage-specific config

int physical_utilisation    Storage-specific config

pool ref metadata_of_pool   Storage-specific config

bool is_a_snapshot  Storage-specific config

datetime snapshot_time  Storage-specific config

VDI ref snapshot_of Storage-specific config

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Result: The ref of the newly created VDI record.

Errors: SR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED  The SR backend does not support the operation (check the SR's allowed operations)

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Create a new VDI record in the database only
session ref open_database (VDI ref)

Load the metadata found on the supplied VDI and return a session reference which can be used in XenAPI calls to query its contents.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI which contains the database to open

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: A session which can be used to query the database

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Load the metadata found on the supplied VDI and return a session reference which can be used in XenAPI calls to query its contents.
VDI ref pool_migrate (VDI ref, SR ref, (string → string) map)

Migrate a VDI, which may be attached to a running guest, to a different SR. The destination SR must be visible to the guest.

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to migrate

SR ref sr   The destination SR

(string → string) map options   Other parameters

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: The new reference of the migrated VDI.

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Migrate a VDI, which may be attached to a running guest, to a different SR. The destination SR must be visible to the guest.
string read_database_pool_uuid (VDI ref)

Check the VDI cache for the pool UUID of the database on this VDI.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The metadata VDI to look up in the cache.

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The cached pool UUID of the database on the VDI.

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Check the VDI cache for the pool UUID of the database on this VDI.
void resize (VDI ref, int)

Resize the VDI.

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to resize

int size    The new size of the VDI

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Resize the VDI.
void resize_online (VDI ref, int)

Resize the VDI which may or may not be attached to running guests.

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to resize

int size    The new size of the VDI

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Resize the VDI which may or may not be attached to running guests.
void set_allow_caching (VDI ref, bool)

Set the value of the allow_caching parameter. This value can only be changed when the VDI is not attached to a running VM. The caching behaviour is only affected by this flag for VHD-based VDIs that have one parent and no child VHDs. Moreover, caching only takes place when the host running the VM containing this VDI has a nominated SR for local caching.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

bool value  The value to set

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Set the value of the allow_caching parameter. This value can only be changed when the VDI is not attached to a running VM. The caching behaviour is only affected by this flag for VHD-based VDIs that have one parent and no child VHDs. Moreover, caching only takes place when the host running the VM containing this VDI has a nominated SR for local caching.
void set_is_a_snapshot (VDI ref, bool)

Sets whether this VDI is a snapshot

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

bool value  The new value indicating whether this VDI is a snapshot

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Sets whether this VDI is a snapshot
void set_managed (VDI ref, bool)

Sets the VDI's managed field

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

bool value  The new value of the VDI's managed field

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Sets the VDI's managed field
void set_metadata_of_pool (VDI ref, pool ref)

Records the pool whose metadata is contained by this VDI.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

pool ref value  The pool whose metadata is contained by this VDI

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Records the pool whose metadata is contained by this VDI.
void set_missing (VDI ref, bool)

Sets the VDI's missing field

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

bool value  The new value of the VDI's missing field

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the VDI's missing field
void set_name_description (VDI ref, string)

Set the name description of the VDI. This can only happen when its SR is currently attached.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

string value    The name description for the VDI

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set the name description of the VDI. This can only happen when its SR is currently attached.
void set_name_label (VDI ref, string)

Set the name label of the VDI. This can only happen when then its SR is currently attached.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

string value    The name lable for the VDI

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set the name label of the VDI. This can only happen when then its SR is currently attached.
void set_on_boot (VDI ref, on_boot)

Set the value of the on_boot parameter. This value can only be changed when the VDI is not attached to a running VM.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

on_boot value   The value to set

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   Set the value of the on_boot parameter. This value can only be changed when the VDI is not attached to a running VM.
void set_physical_utilisation (VDI ref, int)

Sets the VDI's physical_utilisation field

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

int value   The new value of the VDI's physical utilisation

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the VDI's physical_utilisation field
void set_read_only (VDI ref, bool)

Sets the VDI's read_only field

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

bool value  The new value of the VDI's read_only field

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Sets the VDI's read_only field
void set_sharable (VDI ref, bool)

Sets the VDI's sharable field

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

bool value  The new value of the VDI's sharable field

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Sets the VDI's sharable field
void set_snapshot_of (VDI ref, VDI ref)

Sets the VDI of which this VDI is a snapshot

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

VDI ref value   The VDI of which this VDI is a snapshot

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Sets the VDI of which this VDI is a snapshot
void set_snapshot_time (VDI ref, datetime)

Sets the snapshot time of this VDI.

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

datetime value  The snapshot time of this VDI.

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Sets the snapshot time of this VDI.
void set_virtual_size (VDI ref, int)

Sets the VDI's virtual_size field

Parameters: VDI ref self    The VDI to modify

int value   The new value of the VDI's virtual size

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Sets the VDI's virtual_size field
VDI ref snapshot (VDI ref, (string → string) map)

Take a read-only snapshot of the VDI, returning a reference to the snapshot. If any driver_params are specified then these are passed through to the storage-specific substrate driver that takes the snapshot. NB the snapshot lives in the same Storage Repository as its parent.

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI to snapshot

(string → string) map driver_params Optional parameters that can be passed through to backend driver in order to specify storage-type-specific snapshot options

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Result: The ID of the newly created VDI.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Take a read-only snapshot of the VDI, returning a reference to the snapshot. If any driver_params are specified then these are passed through to the storage-specific substrate driver that takes the snapshot. NB the snapshot lives in the same Storage Repository as its parent.
void update (VDI ref)

Ask the storage backend to refresh the fields in the VDI object

Parameters: VDI ref vdi The VDI whose stats (eg size) should be updated

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Errors: SR_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED  The SR backend does not support the operation (check the SR's allowed operations)

Published in:   XenServer 4.1.1 Ask the storage backend to refresh the fields in the VDI object

Class: VGPU

A virtual GPU (vGPU)


bool currently_attached [read-only]

Reflects whether the virtual device is currently connected to a physical device

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
string device [read-only]

Order in which the devices are plugged into the VM

Default value:  "0"

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
GPU_group ref GPU_group [read-only]

GPU group used by the vGPU

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

Additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
PGPU ref resident_on [read-only]

The PGPU on which this VGPU is running

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
VGPU_type ref type [read-only]

Preset type for this VGPU

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
VM ref VM [read-only]

VM that owns the vGPU

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   


VGPU ref create (VM ref, GPU_group ref, string, (string → string) map, VGPU_type ref)

Parameters: VM ref VM   

GPU_group ref GPU_group 

string device   

(string → string) map other_config  

VGPU_type ref type  

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: reference to the newly created object

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
void destroy (VGPU ref)

Parameters: VGPU ref self   The vGPU to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0

Class: VGPU_type

A type of virtual GPU



Values: passthrough Pass through an entire physical GPU to a guest

nvidia  vGPU using NVIDIA hardware

gvt_g   vGPU using Intel GVT-g


GPU_group ref set enabled_on_GPU_groups [read-only]

List of GPU groups in which at least one have this VGPU type enabled

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
PGPU ref set enabled_on_PGPUs [read-only]

List of PGPUs that have this VGPU type enabled

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
bool experimental [read-only]

Indicates whether VGPUs of this type should be considered experimental

Default value:  false

Published in:   Unreleased  
int framebuffer_size [read-only]

Framebuffer size of the VGPU type, in bytes

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
string identifier [read-only]

Key used to identify VGPU types and avoid creating duplicates - this field is used internally and not intended for interpretation by API clients

Default value:  ""

Published in:   Unreleased  
vgpu_type_implementation implementation [read-only]

The internal implementation of this VGPU type

Default value:  passthrough

Published in:   Unreleased  
int max_heads [read-only]

Maximum number of displays supported by the VGPU type

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
int max_resolution_x [read-only]

Maximum resolution (width) supported by the VGPU type

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
int max_resolution_y [read-only]

Maximum resolution (height) supported by the VGPU type

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
string model_name [read-only]

Model name associated with the VGPU type

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
GPU_group ref set supported_on_GPU_groups [read-only]

List of GPU groups in which at least one PGPU supports this VGPU type

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 SP1   
PGPU ref set supported_on_PGPUs [read-only]

List of PGPUs that support this VGPU type

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
string vendor_name [read-only]

Name of VGPU vendor

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  
VGPU ref set VGPUs [read-only]

List of VGPUs of this type

Published in:   XenServer 6.2 vGPU preview  



Class: VIF

A virtual network interface



Values: attach  Attempting to attach this VIF to a VM

plug    Attempting to hotplug this VIF

unplug  Attempting to hot unplug this VIF

Values: None    Follow the default IPv4 configuration of the guest (this is guest-dependent)

Static  Static IPv4 address configuration

Values: None    Follow the default IPv6 configuration of the guest (this is guest-dependent)

Static  Static IPv6 address configuration

Values: network_default No specific configuration set - default network policy applies

locked  Only traffic to a specific MAC and a list of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses is permitted

unlocked    All traffic is permitted

disabled    No traffic is permitted


vif_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
(string → vif_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
bool currently_attached [read-only]

is the device currently attached (erased on reboot)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   is the device currently attached (erased on reboot)
string device [read-only]

order in which VIF backends are created by xapi

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   order in which VIF backends are created by xapi
string set ipv4_addresses [read-only]

IPv4 addresses in CIDR format

Default value:  {}

Published in:   Unreleased  IPv4 addresses in CIDR format
string set ipv4_allowed [read-only]

A list of IPv4 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   A list of IPv4 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF
vif_ipv4_configuration_mode ipv4_configuration_mode [read-only]

Determines whether IPv4 addresses are configured on the VIF

Default value:  None

Published in:   Unreleased  Determines whether IPv4 addresses are configured on the VIF
string ipv4_gateway [read-only]

IPv4 gateway (the empty string means that no gateway is set)

Default value:  ""

Published in:   Unreleased  IPv4 gateway (the empty string means that no gateway is set)
string set ipv6_addresses [read-only]

IPv6 addresses in CIDR format

Default value:  {}

Published in:   Unreleased  IPv6 addresses in CIDR format
string set ipv6_allowed [read-only]

A list of IPv6 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   A list of IPv6 addresses which can be used to filter traffic passing through this VIF
vif_ipv6_configuration_mode ipv6_configuration_mode [read-only]

Determines whether IPv6 addresses are configured on the VIF

Default value:  None

Published in:   Unreleased  Determines whether IPv6 addresses are configured on the VIF
string ipv6_gateway [read-only]

IPv6 gateway (the empty string means that no gateway is set)

Default value:  ""

Published in:   Unreleased  IPv6 gateway (the empty string means that no gateway is set)
vif_locking_mode locking_mode [read-only]

current locking mode of the VIF

Default value:  network_default

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   current locking mode of the VIF
string MAC [read-only]

ethernet MAC address of virtual interface, as exposed to guest

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   ethernet MAC address of virtual interface, as exposed to guest
bool MAC_autogenerated [read-only]

true if the MAC was autogenerated; false indicates it was set manually

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   true if the MAC was autogenerated; false indicates it was set manually
VIF_metrics ref metrics [read-only]

metrics associated with this VIF

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   metrics associated with this VIF
int MTU [read-only]

MTU in octets

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   MTU in octets
network ref network [read-only]

virtual network to which this vif is connected

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   virtual network to which this vif is connected
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
(string → string) map qos_algorithm_params [read/write]

parameters for chosen QoS algorithm

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   parameters for chosen QoS algorithm
string qos_algorithm_type [read/write]

QoS algorithm to use

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   QoS algorithm to use
string set qos_supported_algorithms [read-only]

supported QoS algorithms for this VIF

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   supported QoS algorithms for this VIF
(string → string) map runtime_properties [read-only]

Device runtime properties

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Device runtime properties
int status_code [read-only]

error/success code associated with last attach-operation (erased on reboot)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   error/success code associated with last attach-operation (erased on reboot)
string status_detail [read-only]

error/success information associated with last attach-operation status (erased on reboot)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   error/success information associated with last attach-operation status (erased on reboot)
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VM ref VM [read-only]

virtual machine to which this vif is connected

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   virtual machine to which this vif is connected


void add_ipv4_allowed (VIF ref, string)

Associates an IPv4 address with this VIF

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF which the IP address will be associated with

string value    The IP address which will be associated with the VIF

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Associates an IPv4 address with this VIF
void add_ipv6_allowed (VIF ref, string)

Associates an IPv6 address with this VIF

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF which the IP address will be associated with

string value    The IP address which will be associated with the VIF

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Associates an IPv6 address with this VIF
void configure_ipv4 (VIF ref, vif_ipv4_configuration_mode, string, string)

Configure IPv4 settings for this virtual interface

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF to configure

vif_ipv4_configuration_mode mode    Whether to use static or no IPv4 assignment

string address  The IPv4 address in / format (for static mode only)

string gateway  The IPv4 gateway (for static mode only; leave empty to not set a gateway)

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  Configure IPv4 settings for this virtual interface
void configure_ipv6 (VIF ref, vif_ipv6_configuration_mode, string, string)

Configure IPv6 settings for this virtual interface

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF to configure

vif_ipv6_configuration_mode mode    Whether to use static or no IPv6 assignment

string address  The IPv6 address in / format (for static mode only)

string gateway  The IPv6 gateway (for static mode only; leave empty to not set a gateway)

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Published in:   Unreleased  Configure IPv6 settings for this virtual interface
void plug (VIF ref)

Hotplug the specified VIF, dynamically attaching it to the running VM

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF to hotplug

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Hotplug the specified VIF, dynamically attaching it to the running VM
void remove_ipv4_allowed (VIF ref, string)

Removes an IPv4 address from this VIF

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF from which the IP address will be removed

string value    The IP address which will be removed from the VIF

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Removes an IPv4 address from this VIF
void remove_ipv6_allowed (VIF ref, string)

Removes an IPv6 address from this VIF

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF from which the IP address will be removed

string value    The IP address which will be removed from the VIF

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Removes an IPv6 address from this VIF
void set_ipv4_allowed (VIF ref, string set)

Set the IPv4 addresses to which traffic on this VIF can be restricted

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF which the IP addresses will be associated with

string set value    The IP addresses which will be associated with the VIF

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Set the IPv4 addresses to which traffic on this VIF can be restricted
void set_ipv6_allowed (VIF ref, string set)

Set the IPv6 addresses to which traffic on this VIF can be restricted

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF which the IP addresses will be associated with

string set value    The IP addresses which will be associated with the VIF

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Set the IPv6 addresses to which traffic on this VIF can be restricted
void set_locking_mode (VIF ref, vif_locking_mode)

Set the locking mode for this VIF

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF whose locking mode will be set

vif_locking_mode value  The new locking mode for the VIF

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Set the locking mode for this VIF
void unplug (VIF ref)

Hot-unplug the specified VIF, dynamically unattaching it from the running VM

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF to hot-unplug

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Hot-unplug the specified VIF, dynamically unattaching it from the running VM
void unplug_force (VIF ref)

Forcibly unplug the specified VIF

Parameters: VIF ref self    The VIF to forcibly unplug

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Forcibly unplug the specified VIF

Class: VIF_metrics

The metrics associated with a virtual network device


float io_read_kbs [read-only]

Read bandwidth (KiB/s)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Read bandwidth (KiB/s)
float io_write_kbs [read-only]

Write bandwidth (KiB/s)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Write bandwidth (KiB/s)
datetime last_updated [read-only]

Time at which this information was last updated

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which this information was last updated
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   additional configuration
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference



Class: VLAN

A VLAN mux/demux


(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   additional configuration
int tag [read-only]

VLAN tag in use

Default value:  -1

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   VLAN tag in use
PIF ref tagged_PIF [read-only]

interface on which traffic is tagged

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   interface on which traffic is tagged
PIF ref untagged_PIF [read-only]

interface on which traffic is untagged

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   interface on which traffic is untagged
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference


VLAN ref create (PIF ref, int, network ref)

Create a VLAN mux/demuxer

Parameters: PIF ref tagged_PIF  PIF which receives the tagged traffic

int tag VLAN tag to use

network ref network Network to receive the untagged traffic

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: The reference of the created VLAN object

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Create a VLAN mux/demuxer
void destroy (VLAN ref)

Destroy a VLAN mux/demuxer

Parameters: VLAN ref self   VLAN mux/demuxer to destroy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Destroy a VLAN mux/demuxer

Class: VM

A virtual machine (or 'guest').



Values: destroy destroy the VM state

coredump_and_destroy    record a coredump and then destroy the VM state

restart restart the VM

coredump_and_restart    record a coredump and then restart the VM

preserve    leave the crashed VM paused

rename_restart  rename the crashed VM and start a new copy

Values: destroy destroy the VM state

restart restart the VM

Values: snapshot    refers to the operation "snapshot"

clone   refers to the operation "clone"

copy    refers to the operation "copy"

create_template refers to the operation "create_template"

revert  refers to the operation "revert"

checkpoint  refers to the operation "checkpoint"

snapshot_with_quiesce   refers to the operation "snapshot_with_quiesce"

provision   refers to the operation "provision"

start   refers to the operation "start"

start_on    refers to the operation "start_on"

pause   refers to the operation "pause"

unpause refers to the operation "unpause"

clean_shutdown  refers to the operation "clean_shutdown"

clean_reboot    refers to the operation "clean_reboot"

hard_shutdown   refers to the operation "hard_shutdown"

power_state_reset   refers to the operation "power_state_reset"

hard_reboot refers to the operation "hard_reboot"

suspend refers to the operation "suspend"

csvm    refers to the operation "csvm"

resume  refers to the operation "resume"

resume_on   refers to the operation "resume_on"

pool_migrate    refers to the operation "pool_migrate"

migrate_send    refers to the operation "migrate_send"

get_boot_record refers to the operation "get_boot_record"

send_sysrq  refers to the operation "send_sysrq"

send_trigger    refers to the operation "send_trigger"

query_services  refers to the operation "query_services"

shutdown    refers to the operation "shutdown"

call_plugin refers to the operation "call_plugin"

changing_memory_live    Changing the memory settings

awaiting_memory_live    Waiting for the memory settings to change

changing_dynamic_range  Changing the memory dynamic range

changing_static_range   Changing the memory static range

changing_memory_limits  Changing the memory limits

changing_shadow_memory  Changing the shadow memory for a halted VM.

changing_shadow_memory_live Changing the shadow memory for a running VM.

changing_VCPUs  Changing VCPU settings for a halted VM.

changing_VCPUs_live Changing VCPU settings for a running VM.


data_source_op  Add, remove, query or list data sources


make_into_template  Turning this VM into a template

import  importing a VM from a network stream

export  exporting a VM to a network stream

metadata_export exporting VM metadata to a network stream

reverting   Reverting the VM to a previous snapshotted state

destroy refers to the act of uninstalling the VM

Values: Halted  VM is offline and not using any resources

Paused  All resources have been allocated but the VM itself is paused and its vCPUs are not running

Running Running

Suspended   VM state has been saved to disk and it is nolonger running. Note that disks remain in-use while the VM is suspended.


on_crash_behaviour actions_after_crash [read/write]

action to take if the guest crashes

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   action to take if the guest crashes
on_normal_exit actions_after_reboot [read/write]

action to take after the guest has rebooted itself

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   action to take after the guest has rebooted itself
on_normal_exit actions_after_shutdown [read/write]

action to take after the guest has shutdown itself

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   action to take after the guest has shutdown itself
host ref affinity [read/write]

a host which the VM has some affinity for (or NULL). This is used as a hint to the start call when it decides where to run the VM. Implementations are free to ignore this field.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a host which the VM has some affinity for (or NULL). This is used as a hint to the start call when it decides where to run the VM. Implementations are free to ignore this field.
vm_operations set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
VM_appliance ref appliance [read-only]

the appliance to which this VM belongs

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the appliance to which this VM belongs
PCI ref set attached_PCIs [read-only]

Currently passed-through PCI devices

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
(string → string) map bios_strings [read-only]

BIOS strings

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   BIOS strings
(string → blob ref) map blobs [read-only]

Binary blobs associated with this VM

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Binary blobs associated with this VM
(vm_operations → string) map blocked_operations [read/write]

List of operations which have been explicitly blocked and an error code

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   List of operations which have been explicitly blocked and an error code
VM ref set children [read-only]

List pointing to all the children of this VM

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   List pointing to all the children of this VM
console ref set consoles [read-only]

virtual console devices

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   virtual console devices
crashdump ref set crash_dumps [read-only]

crash dumps associated with this VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   crash dumps associated with this VM
(string → vm_operations) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
string domarch [read-only]

Domain architecture (if available, null string otherwise)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Domain architecture (if available, null string otherwise)
int domid [read-only]

domain ID (if available, -1 otherwise)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   domain ID (if available, -1 otherwise)
string generation_id [read-only]

Generation ID of the VM

Default value:  "0:0"

Published in:   XenServer 6.2   Generation ID of the VM
VM_guest_metrics ref guest_metrics [read-only]

metrics associated with the running guest

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   metrics associated with the running guest
bool ha_always_run [read-only] Deprecated

if true then the system will attempt to keep the VM running as much as possible.

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   if true then the system will attempt to keep the VM running as much as possible.

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.0   
string ha_restart_priority [read-only]

has possible values: "best-effort" meaning "try to restart this VM if possible but don't consider the Pool to be overcommitted if this is not possible"; "restart" meaning "this VM should be restarted"; "" meaning "do not try to restart this VM"

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   has possible values: "best-effort" meaning "try to restart this VM if possible but don't consider the Pool to be overcommitted if this is not possible"; "restart" meaning "this VM should be restarted"; "" meaning "do not try to restart this VM"
int hardware_platform_version [read/write]

The host virtual hardware platform version the VM can run on

Default value:  0

Published in:   Unreleased  The host virtual hardware platform version the VM can run on
bool has_vendor_device [read-only]

When an HVM guest starts, this controls the presence of the emulated C000 PCI device which triggers Windows Update to fetch or update PV drivers.

Default value:  Unknown[VCustom,(try Rpc.Bool ( let pool = List.hd (Db_actions.DB_Action.Pool.get_all ~__context) in let restrictions = Db_actions.DB_Action.Pool.get_restrictions ~__context ~self:pool in let vendor_device_allowed = try List.assoc "restrict_pci_device_for_auto_update" restrictions = "false" with _ -> false in let policy_says_its_ok = not (Db_actions.DB_Action.Pool.get_policy_no_vendor_device ~__context ~self:pool) in vendor_device_allowed && policy_says_its_ok) with e -> D.error "Failure when defaulting has_vendor_device field: %s" (Printexc.to_string e); Rpc.Bool false),VBool,false]

Published in:   Unreleased  
(string → string) map HVM_boot_params [read/write]

HVM boot params

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   HVM boot params
string HVM_boot_policy [read/write]

HVM boot policy

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   HVM boot policy
float HVM_shadow_multiplier [read-only]

multiplier applied to the amount of shadow that will be made available to the guest

Default value:  1

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   multiplier applied to the amount of shadow that will be made available to the guest
bool is_a_snapshot [read-only]

true if this is a snapshot. Snapshotted VMs can never be started, they are used only for cloning other VMs

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   true if this is a snapshot. Snapshotted VMs can never be started, they are used only for cloning other VMs
bool is_a_template [read/write]

true if this is a template. Template VMs can never be started, they are used only for cloning other VMs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if this is a template. Template VMs can never be started, they are used only for cloning other VMs
bool is_control_domain [read-only]

true if this is a control domain (domain 0 or a driver domain)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if this is a control domain (domain 0 or a driver domain)
bool is_snapshot_from_vmpp [read-only] Deprecated

true if this snapshot was created by the protection policy

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
(string → string) map last_boot_CPU_flags [read-only]

describes the CPU flags on which the VM was last booted

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   describes the CPU flags on which the VM was last booted
string last_booted_record [read-only]

marshalled value containing VM record at time of last boot, updated dynamically to reflect the runtime state of the domain

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   marshalled value containing VM record at time of last boot, updated dynamically to reflect the runtime state of the domain
int memory_dynamic_max [read-only]

Dynamic maximum (bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Dynamic maximum (bytes)
int memory_dynamic_min [read-only]

Dynamic minimum (bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Dynamic minimum (bytes)
int memory_overhead [read-only]

Virtualization memory overhead (bytes).

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Virtualization memory overhead (bytes).
int memory_static_max [read-only]

Statically-set (i.e. absolute) maximum (bytes). The value of this field at VM start time acts as a hard limit of the amount of memory a guest can use. New values only take effect on reboot.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Statically-set (i.e. absolute) maximum (bytes). The value of this field at VM start time acts as a hard limit of the amount of memory a guest can use. New values only take effect on reboot.
int memory_static_min [read-only]

Statically-set (i.e. absolute) mininum (bytes). The value of this field indicates the least amount of memory this VM can boot with without crashing.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Statically-set (i.e. absolute) mininum (bytes). The value of this field indicates the least amount of memory this VM can boot with without crashing.
int memory_target [read-only] Deprecated

Dynamically-set memory target (bytes). The value of this field indicates the current target for memory available to this VM.

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Dynamically-set memory target (bytes). The value of this field indicates the current target for memory available to this VM.

Deprecated in:  XenServer 5.6   
VM_metrics ref metrics [read-only]

metrics associated with this VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   metrics associated with this VM
string name_description [read/write]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read/write]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
int order [read-only]

The point in the startup or shutdown sequence at which this VM will be started

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The point in the startup or shutdown sequence at which this VM will be started
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   additional configuration
VM ref parent [read-only]

Ref pointing to the parent of this VM

Default value:  Null

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Ref pointing to the parent of this VM
string PCI_bus [read/write] Deprecated

PCI bus path for pass-through devices

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   PCI bus path for pass-through devices

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.0   Field was never used
(string → string) map platform [read/write]

platform-specific configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   platform-specific configuration
vm_power_state power_state [read-only]

Current power state of the machine

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Current power state of the machine
VMPP ref protection_policy [read-only] Deprecated

Ref pointing to a protection policy for this VM

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
string PV_args [read/write]

kernel command-line arguments

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   kernel command-line arguments
string PV_bootloader [read/write]

name of or path to bootloader

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   name of or path to bootloader
string PV_bootloader_args [read/write]

miscellaneous arguments for the bootloader

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   miscellaneous arguments for the bootloader
string PV_kernel [read/write]

path to the kernel

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   path to the kernel
string PV_legacy_args [read/write]

to make Zurich guests boot

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   to make Zurich guests boot
string PV_ramdisk [read/write]

path to the initrd

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   path to the initrd
string recommendations [read/write]

An XML specification of recommended values and ranges for properties of this VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   An XML specification of recommended values and ranges for properties of this VM
host ref resident_on [read-only]

the host the VM is currently resident on

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the host the VM is currently resident on
int shutdown_delay [read-only]

The delay to wait before proceeding to the next order in the shutdown sequence (seconds)

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The delay to wait before proceeding to the next order in the shutdown sequence (seconds)
(string → string) map snapshot_info [read-only]

Human-readable information concerning this snapshot

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Human-readable information concerning this snapshot
string snapshot_metadata [read-only]

Encoded information about the VM's metadata this is a snapshot of

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Encoded information about the VM's metadata this is a snapshot of
VM ref snapshot_of [read-only]

datetime snapshot_time [read-only]

Date/time when this snapshot was created.

Default value:  19700101T00:00:00Z

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Date/time when this snapshot was created.
VM ref set snapshots [read-only]

List pointing to all the VM snapshots.

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   List pointing to all the VM snapshots.
int start_delay [read-only]

The delay to wait before proceeding to the next order in the startup sequence (seconds)

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The delay to wait before proceeding to the next order in the startup sequence (seconds)
SR ref suspend_SR [read/write]

The SR on which a suspend image is stored

Default value:  OpaqueRef:NULL

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The SR on which a suspend image is stored
VDI ref suspend_VDI [read-only]

The VDI that a suspend image is stored on. (Only has meaning if VM is currently suspended)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The VDI that a suspend image is stored on. (Only has meaning if VM is currently suspended)
string set tags [read/write]

user-specified tags for categorization purposes

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   user-specified tags for categorization purposes
string transportable_snapshot_id [read-only]

Transportable ID of the snapshot VM

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Transportable ID of the snapshot VM
int user_version [read/write]

Creators of VMs and templates may store version information here.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Creators of VMs and templates may store version information here.
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VBD ref set VBDs [read-only]

virtual block devices

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   virtual block devices
int VCPUs_at_startup [read-only]

Boot number of VCPUs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Boot number of VCPUs
int VCPUs_max [read-only]

Max number of VCPUs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Max number of VCPUs
(string → string) map VCPUs_params [read/write]

configuration parameters for the selected VCPU policy

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   configuration parameters for the selected VCPU policy
int version [read-only]

The number of times this VM has been recovered

Default value:  0

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   The number of times this VM has been recovered
VGPU ref set VGPUs [read-only]

Virtual GPUs

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   
VIF ref set VIFs [read-only]

virtual network interfaces

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   virtual network interfaces
VTPM ref set VTPMs [read-only]

virtual TPMs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   virtual TPMs
(string → string) map xenstore_data [read/write]

data to be inserted into the xenstore tree (/local/domain//vm-data) after the VM is created.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   data to be inserted into the xenstore tree (/local/domain//vm-data) after the VM is created.


void add_to_VCPUs_params_live (VM ref, string, string)

Add the given key-value pair to VM.VCPUs_params, and apply that value on the running VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

string key  The key

string value    The value

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Add the given key-value pair to VM.VCPUs_params, and apply that value on the running VM
void assert_agile (VM ref)

Returns an error if the VM is not considered agile e.g. because it is tied to a resource local to a host

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

Minimum role:   read-only

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Returns an error if the VM is not considered agile e.g. because it is tied to a resource local to a host
void assert_can_be_recovered (VM ref, session ref)

Assert whether all SRs required to recover this VM are available.

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to recover

session ref session_to  The session to which the VM is to be recovered.

Minimum role:   read-only

Errors: VM_IS_PART_OF_AN_APPLIANCE  This operation is not allowed as the VM is part of an appliance.

VM_REQUIRES_SR  You attempted to run a VM on a host which doesn't have access to an SR needed by the VM. The VM has at least one VBD attached to a VDI in the SR.

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Assert whether all SRs required to recover this VM are available.
void assert_can_boot_here (VM ref, host ref)

Returns an error if the VM could not boot on this host for some reason

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

host ref host   The host

Minimum role:   read-only

Errors: HOST_NOT_ENOUGH_FREE_MEMORY Not enough host memory is available to perform this operation

VM_REQUIRES_SR  You attempted to run a VM on a host which doesn't have access to an SR needed by the VM. The VM has at least one VBD attached to a VDI in the SR.

VM_HOST_INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION    This VM operation cannot be performed on an older-versioned host during an upgrade.

VM_HOST_INCOMPATIBLE_VIRTUAL_HARDWARE_PLATFORM_VERSION  You attempted to run a VM on a host that cannot provide the VM's required Virtual Hardware Platform version.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Returns an error if the VM could not boot on this host for some reason
void assert_can_migrate (VM ref, (string → string) map, bool, (VDI ref → SR ref) map, (VIF ref → network ref) map, (string → string) map)

Assert whether a VM can be migrated to the specified destination.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM

(string → string) map dest  The result of a VM.migrate_receive call.

bool live   Live migration

(VDI ref → SR ref) map vdi_map  Map of source VDI to destination SR

(VIF ref → network ref) map vif_map Map of source VIF to destination network

(string → string) map options   Other parameters

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Errors: LICENCE_RESTRICTION This operation is not allowed because your license lacks a needed feature. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Assert whether a VM can be migrated to the specified destination.
void assert_operation_valid (VM ref, vm_operations)

Check to see whether this operation is acceptable in the current state of the system, raising an error if the operation is invalid for some reason

Parameters: VM ref self reference to the object

vm_operations op    proposed operation

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Check to see whether this operation is acceptable in the current state of the system, raising an error if the operation is invalid for some reason
string call_plugin (VM ref, string, string, (string → string) map)

Call a XenAPI plugin on this vm

Parameters: VM ref vm   The vm

string plugin   The name of the plugin

string fn   The name of the function within the plugin

(string → string) map args  Arguments for the function

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Result: Result from the plugin

Published in:   Unreleased  Call a XenAPI plugin on this vm
VM ref checkpoint (VM ref, string)

Checkpoints the specified VM, making a new VM. Checkpoint automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write) and saves the memory image as well.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to be checkpointed

string new_name The name of the checkpointed VM

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: The reference of the newly created VM.

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

SR_FULL The SR is full. Requested new size exceeds the maximum size

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_CHECKPOINT_SUSPEND_FAILED    An error occured while saving the memory image of the specified virtual machine

VM_CHECKPOINT_RESUME_FAILED An error occured while restoring the memory image of the specified virtual machine

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Checkpoints the specified VM, making a new VM. Checkpoint automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write) and saves the memory image as well.
void clean_reboot (VM ref)

Attempt to cleanly shutdown the specified VM (Note: this may not be supported---e.g. if a guest agent is not installed). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to shutdown

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Attempt to cleanly shutdown the specified VM (Note: this may not be supported---e.g. if a guest agent is not installed). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
void clean_shutdown (VM ref)

Attempt to cleanly shutdown the specified VM. (Note: this may not be supported---e.g. if a guest agent is not installed). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to shutdown

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Attempt to cleanly shutdown the specified VM. (Note: this may not be supported---e.g. if a guest agent is not installed). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
VM ref clone (VM ref, string)

Clones the specified VM, making a new VM. Clone automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write). This function can only be called when the VM is in the Halted State.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to be cloned

string new_name The name of the cloned VM

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Result: The reference of the newly created VM.

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

SR_FULL The SR is full. Requested new size exceeds the maximum size

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

LICENCE_RESTRICTION This operation is not allowed because your license lacks a needed feature. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Clones the specified VM, making a new VM. Clone automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write). This function can only be called when the VM is in the Halted State.
int compute_memory_overhead (VM ref)

Computes the virtualization memory overhead of a VM.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM for which to compute the memory overhead

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: the virtualization memory overhead of the VM.

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Computes the virtualization memory overhead of a VM.
VM ref copy (VM ref, string, SR ref)

Copied the specified VM, making a new VM. Unlike clone, copy does not exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored. Instead, copy guarantees that the disk images of the newly created VM will be 'full disks' - i.e. not part of a CoW chain. This function can only be called when the VM is in the Halted State.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to be copied

string new_name The name of the copied VM

SR ref sr   An SR to copy all the VM's disks into (if an invalid reference then it uses the existing SRs)

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Result: The reference of the newly created VM.

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

SR_FULL The SR is full. Requested new size exceeds the maximum size

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

LICENCE_RESTRICTION This operation is not allowed because your license lacks a needed feature. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Copies a VM to an SR. There must be a host that can see both the source and destination SRs simultaneously
Extended in:    XenServer 5.6 FP1   The copy can now be performed between any two SRs.

void copy_bios_strings (VM ref, host ref)

Copy the BIOS strings from the given host to this VM

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to modify

host ref host   The host to copy the BIOS strings from

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Copy the BIOS strings from the given host to this VM
blob ref create_new_blob (VM ref, string, string, bool)

Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this VM

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM

string name The name associated with the blob

string mime_type    The mime type for the data. Empty string translates to application/octet-stream

bool public True if the blob should be publicly available

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: The reference of the blob, needed for populating its data

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Create a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this VM
void forget_data_source_archives (VM ref, string)

Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

string data_source  The data source whose archives are to be forgotten

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Forget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source
string set get_allowed_VBD_devices (VM ref)

Returns a list of the allowed values that a VBD device field can take

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The allowed values

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Returns a list of the allowed values that a VBD device field can take
string set get_allowed_VIF_devices (VM ref)

Returns a list of the allowed values that a VIF device field can take

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The allowed values

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Returns a list of the allowed values that a VIF device field can take
VM record get_boot_record (VM ref)

Returns a record describing the VM's dynamic state, initialised when the VM boots and updated to reflect runtime configuration changes e.g. CPU hotplug

Parameters: VM ref self The VM whose boot-time state to return

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: A record describing the VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Returns a record describing the VM's dynamic state, initialised when the VM boots and updated to reflect runtime configuration changes e.g. CPU hotplug
bool get_cooperative (VM ref) Deprecated

Return true if the VM is currently 'co-operative' i.e. is expected to reach a balloon target and actually has done

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: true if the VM is currently 'co-operative'; false otherwise

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Return true if the VM is currently 'co-operative' i.e. is expected to reach a balloon target and actually has done

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.1   
data_source record set get_data_sources (VM ref)

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to interrogate

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: A set of data sources

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   
host ref set get_possible_hosts (VM ref)

Return the list of hosts on which this VM may run.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The possible hosts

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Return the list of hosts on which this VM may run.
SR ref set get_SRs_required_for_recovery (VM ref, session ref)

List all the SR's that are required for the VM to be recovered

Parameters: VM ref self The VM for which the SRs have to be recovered

session ref session_to  The session to which the SRs of the VM have to be recovered.

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: refs for SRs required to recover the VM

Published in:   XenServer 6.5   List all the SR's that are required for the VM to be recovered
void hard_reboot (VM ref)

Stop executing the specified VM without attempting a clean shutdown and immediately restart the VM.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to reboot

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Stop executing the specified VM without attempting a clean shutdown and immediately restart the VM.
void hard_shutdown (VM ref)

Stop executing the specified VM without attempting a clean shutdown.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to destroy

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Stop executing the specified VM without attempting a clean shutdown.
VM ref set import (string, SR ref, bool, bool)

Import an XVA from a URI

Parameters: string url  The URL of the XVA file

SR ref sr   The destination SR for the disks

bool full_restore   Perform a full restore

bool force  Force the import

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: Imported VM reference

Published in:   Unreleased  Import an XVA from a URI
void import_convert (string, string, string, SR ref, (string → string) map)

Import using a conversion service.

Parameters: string type Type of the conversion

string username Admin username on the host

string password Password on the host

SR ref sr   The destination SR

(string → string) map remote_config Remote configuration options

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Import using a conversion service.
int maximise_memory (VM ref, int, bool)

Returns the maximum amount of guest memory which will fit, together with overheads, in the supplied amount of physical memory. If 'exact' is true then an exact calculation is performed using the VM's current settings. If 'exact' is false then a more conservative approximation is used

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int total   Total amount of physical RAM to fit within

bool approximate    If false the limit is calculated with the guest's current exact configuration. Otherwise a more approximate calculation is performed

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The maximum possible static-max

Published in:   XenServer 4.1   Returns the maximum amount of guest memory which will fit, together with overheads, in the supplied amount of physical memory. If 'exact' is true then an exact calculation is performed using the VM's current settings. If 'exact' is false then a more conservative approximation is used
VM ref migrate_send (VM ref, (string  string) map, bool, (VDI ref  SR ref) map, (VIF ref  network ref) map, (string  string) map)

Migrate the VM to another host. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM

(string  string) map dest  The result of a Host.migrate_receive call.

bool live   Live migration

(VDI ref  SR ref) map vdi_map  Map of source VDI to destination SR

(VIF ref  network ref) map vif_map Map of source VIF to destination network

(string  string) map options   Other parameters

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: The reference of the newly created VM in the destination pool

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

LICENCE_RESTRICTION This operation is not allowed because your license lacks a needed feature. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Migrate the VM to another host. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
void pause (VM ref)

Pause the specified VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to pause

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Pause the specified VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
void pool_migrate (VM ref, host ref, (string  string) map)

Migrate a VM to another Host.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to migrate

host ref host   The target host

(string  string) map options   Extra configuration operations

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_MIGRATE_FAILED   An error occurred during the migration process.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Migrate a VM to another Host.
void power_state_reset (VM ref)

Reset the power-state of the VM to halted in the database only. (Used to recover from slave failures in pooling scenarios by resetting the power-states of VMs running on dead slaves to halted.) This is a potentially dangerous operation; use with care.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to reset

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Reset the power-state of the VM to halted in the database only. (Used to recover from slave failures in pooling scenarios by resetting the power-states of VMs running on dead slaves to halted.) This is a potentially dangerous operation; use with care.
void provision (VM ref)

Inspects the disk configuration contained within the VM's other_config, creates VDIs and VBDs and then executes any applicable post-install script.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to be provisioned

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

SR_FULL The SR is full. Requested new size exceeds the maximum size

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

LICENCE_RESTRICTION This operation is not allowed because your license lacks a needed feature. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Inspects the disk configuration contained within the VM's other_config, creates VDIs and VBDs and then executes any applicable post-install script.
float query_data_source (VM ref, string)

Query the latest value of the specified data source

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

string data_source  The data source to query

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The latest value, averaged over the last 5 seconds

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Query the latest value of the specified data source
(string → string) map query_services (VM ref)

Query the system services advertised by this VM and register them. This can only be applied to a system domain.

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Result: map of service type to name

Published in:   XenServer 6.1   Query the system services advertised by this VM and register them. This can only be applied to a system domain.
void record_data_source (VM ref, string)

Start recording the specified data source

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

string data_source  The data source to record

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Start recording the specified data source
void recover (VM ref, session ref, bool)

Recover the VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to recover

session ref session_to  The session to which the VM is to be recovered.

bool force  Whether the VM should replace newer versions of itself.

Minimum role:   read-only

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Recover the VM
void resume (VM ref, bool, bool)

Awaken the specified VM and resume it. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Suspended state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to resume

bool start_paused   Resume VM in paused state if set to true.

bool force  Attempt to force the VM to resume. If this flag is false then the VM may fail pre-resume safety checks (e.g. if the CPU the VM was running on looks substantially different to the current one)

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Awaken the specified VM and resume it. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Suspended state.
void resume_on (VM ref, host ref, bool, bool)

Awaken the specified VM and resume it on a particular Host. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Suspended state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to resume

host ref host   The Host on which to resume the VM

bool start_paused   Resume VM in paused state if set to true.

bool force  Attempt to force the VM to resume. If this flag is false then the VM may fail pre-resume safety checks (e.g. if the CPU the VM was running on looks substantially different to the current one)

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Awaken the specified VM and resume it on a particular Host. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Suspended state.
(host ref → string set) map retrieve_wlb_recommendations (VM ref)

Returns mapping of hosts to ratings, indicating the suitability of starting the VM at that location according to wlb. Rating is replaced with an error if the VM cannot boot there.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: The potential hosts and their corresponding recommendations or errors

Published in:   XenServer 5.5   Returns mapping of hosts to ratings, indicating the suitability of starting the VM at that location according to wlb. Rating is replaced with an error if the VM cannot boot there.
void revert (VM ref)

Reverts the specified VM to a previous state.

Parameters: VM ref snapshot The snapshotted state that we revert to

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

SR_FULL The SR is full. Requested new size exceeds the maximum size

VM_REVERT_FAILED    An error occured while reverting the specified virtual machine to the specified snapshot

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Reverts the specified VM to a previous state.
void send_sysrq (VM ref, string)

Send the given key as a sysrq to this VM. The key is specified as a single character (a String of length 1). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM

string key  The key to send

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Send the given key as a sysrq to this VM. The key is specified as a single character (a String of length 1). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
void send_trigger (VM ref, string)

Send the named trigger to this VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM

string trigger  The trigger to send

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Send the named trigger to this VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
void set_appliance (VM ref, VM_appliance ref)

Assign this VM to an appliance.

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to assign to an appliance.

VM_appliance ref value  The appliance to which this VM should be assigned.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Assign this VM to an appliance.
void set_ha_always_run (VM ref, bool) Deprecated

Set the value of the ha_always_run

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

bool value  The value

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Set the value of the ha_always_run

Deprecated in:  XenServer 6.0   
void set_ha_restart_priority (VM ref, string)

Set the value of the ha_restart_priority field

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

string value    The value

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Set the value of the ha_restart_priority field
void set_has_vendor_device (VM ref, bool)

Controls whether, when the VM starts in HVM mode, its virtual hardware will include the emulated PCI device for which drivers may be available through Windows Update. Usually this should never be changed on a VM on which Windows has been installed: changing it on such a VM is likely to lead to a crash on next start.

Parameters: VM ref self The VM on which to set this flag

bool value  True to provide the vendor PCI device.

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   Unreleased  Controls whether, when the VM starts in HVM mode, its virtual hardware will include the emulated PCI device for which drivers may be available through Windows Update. Usually this should never be changed on a VM on which Windows has been installed: changing it on such a VM is likely to lead to a crash on next start.
void set_HVM_shadow_multiplier (VM ref, float)

Set the shadow memory multiplier on a halted VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

float value The new shadow memory multiplier to set

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the shadow memory multiplier on a halted VM
void set_memory_dynamic_max (VM ref, int)

Set the value of the memory_dynamic_max field

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to modify

int value   The new value of memory_dynamic_max

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the value of the memory_dynamic_max field
void set_memory_dynamic_min (VM ref, int)

Set the value of the memory_dynamic_min field

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to modify

int value   The new value of memory_dynamic_min

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the value of the memory_dynamic_min field
void set_memory_dynamic_range (VM ref, int, int)

Set the minimum and maximum amounts of physical memory the VM is allowed to use.

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int min The new minimum value

int max The new maximum value

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the minimum and maximum amounts of physical memory the VM is allowed to use.
void set_memory_limits (VM ref, int, int, int, int)

Set the memory limits of this VM.

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int static_min  The new value of memory_static_min.

int static_max  The new value of memory_static_max.

int dynamic_min The new value of memory_dynamic_min.

int dynamic_max The new value of memory_dynamic_max.

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the memory limits of this VM.
void set_memory_static_max (VM ref, int)

Set the value of the memory_static_max field

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to modify

int value   The new value of memory_static_max

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Errors: HA_OPERATION_WOULD_BREAK_FAILOVER_PLAN  This operation cannot be performed because it would invalidate VM failover planning such that the system would be unable to guarantee to restart protected VMs after a Host failure.

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Set the value of the memory_static_max field
void set_memory_static_min (VM ref, int)

Set the value of the memory_static_min field

Parameters: VM ref self The VM to modify

int value   The new value of memory_static_min

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the value of the memory_static_min field
void set_memory_static_range (VM ref, int, int)

Set the static (ie boot-time) range of virtual memory that the VM is allowed to use.

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int min The new minimum value

int max The new maximum value

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the static (ie boot-time) range of virtual memory that the VM is allowed to use.
void set_memory_target_live (VM ref, int) Deprecated

Set the memory target for a running VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int target  The target in bytes

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set the memory target for a running VM

Deprecated in:  XenServer 5.6   
void set_order (VM ref, int)

Set this VM's boot order

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int value   This VM's boot order

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Set this VM's boot order
void set_protection_policy (VM ref, VMPP ref)

Set the value of the protection_policy field

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

VMPP ref value  The value

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Set the value of the protection_policy field
void set_shadow_multiplier_live (VM ref, float)

Set the shadow memory multiplier on a running VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

float multiplier    The new shadow memory multiplier to set

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set the shadow memory multiplier on a running VM
void set_shutdown_delay (VM ref, int)

Set this VM's shutdown delay in seconds

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int value   This VM's shutdown delay in seconds

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Set this VM's shutdown delay in seconds
void set_start_delay (VM ref, int)

Set this VM's start delay in seconds

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int value   This VM's start delay in seconds

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Set this VM's start delay in seconds
void set_suspend_VDI (VM ref, VDI ref)

Set this VM's suspend VDI, which must be indentical to its current one

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

VDI ref value   The suspend VDI uuid

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Set this VM's suspend VDI, which must be indentical to its current one
void set_VCPUs_at_startup (VM ref, int)

Set the number of startup VCPUs for a halted VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int value   The new maximum number of VCPUs

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the number of startup VCPUs for a halted VM
void set_VCPUs_max (VM ref, int)

Set the maximum number of VCPUs for a halted VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int value   The new maximum number of VCPUs

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 5.6   Set the maximum number of VCPUs for a halted VM
void set_VCPUs_number_live (VM ref, int)

Set the number of VCPUs for a running VM

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

int nvcpu   The number of VCPUs

Minimum role:   vm-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Set the number of VCPUs for a running VM
void shutdown (VM ref)

Attempts to first clean shutdown a VM and if it should fail then perform a hard shutdown on it.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to shutdown

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 6.2   Attempts to first clean shutdown a VM and if it should fail then perform a hard shutdown on it.
VM ref snapshot (VM ref, string)

Snapshots the specified VM, making a new VM. Snapshot automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write).

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to be snapshotted

string new_name The name of the snapshotted VM

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: The reference of the newly created VM.

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

SR_FULL The SR is full. Requested new size exceeds the maximum size

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Snapshots the specified VM, making a new VM. Snapshot automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write).
VM ref snapshot_with_quiesce (VM ref, string)

Snapshots the specified VM with quiesce, making a new VM. Snapshot automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write).

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to be snapshotted

string new_name The name of the snapshotted VM

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: The reference of the newly created VM.

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

SR_FULL The SR is full. Requested new size exceeds the maximum size

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_SNAPSHOT_WITH_QUIESCE_FAILED The quiesced-snapshot operation failed for an unexpected reason

VM_SNAPSHOT_WITH_QUIESCE_TIMEOUT    The VSS plug-in has timed out


VM_SNAPSHOT_WITH_QUIESCE_NOT_SUPPORTED  The VSS plug-in is not installed on this virtual machine

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Snapshots the specified VM with quiesce, making a new VM. Snapshot automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write).
void start (VM ref, bool, bool)

Start the specified VM. This function can only be called with the VM is in the Halted State.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to start

bool start_paused   Instantiate VM in paused state if set to true.

bool force  Attempt to force the VM to start. If this flag is false then the VM may fail pre-boot safety checks (e.g. if the CPU the VM last booted on looks substantially different to the current one)

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

VM_HVM_REQUIRED HVM is required for this operation

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

BOOTLOADER_FAILED   The bootloader returned an error

UNKNOWN_BOOTLOADER  The requested bootloader is unknown

NO_HOSTS_AVAILABLE  There were no hosts available to complete the specified operation.

LICENCE_RESTRICTION This operation is not allowed because your license lacks a needed feature. Please contact your support representative.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Start the specified VM. This function can only be called with the VM is in the Halted State.
void start_on (VM ref, host ref, bool, bool)

Start the specified VM on a particular host. This function can only be called with the VM is in the Halted State.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to start

host ref host   The Host on which to start the VM

bool start_paused   Instantiate VM in paused state if set to true.

bool force  Attempt to force the VM to start. If this flag is false then the VM may fail pre-boot safety checks (e.g. if the CPU the VM last booted on looks substantially different to the current one)

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

BOOTLOADER_FAILED   The bootloader returned an error

UNKNOWN_BOOTLOADER  The requested bootloader is unknown

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Start the specified VM on a particular host. This function can only be called with the VM is in the Halted State.
void suspend (VM ref)

Suspend the specified VM to disk. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to suspend

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OTHER_OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS Another operation involving the object is currently in progress

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Suspend the specified VM to disk. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
void unpause (VM ref)

Resume the specified VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Paused state.

Parameters: VM ref vm   The VM to unpause

Minimum role:   vm-operator

Errors: VM_BAD_POWER_STATE  You attempted an operation on a VM that was not in an appropriate power state at the time; for example, you attempted to start a VM that was already running. The parameters returned are the VM's handle, and the expected and actual VM state at the time of the call.

OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED   You attempted an operation that was not allowed.

VM_IS_TEMPLATE  The operation attempted is not valid for a template VM

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Resume the specified VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Paused state.
void update_allowed_operations (VM ref)

Recomputes the list of acceptable operations

Parameters: VM ref self reference to the object

Minimum role:   pool-admin

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Recomputes the list of acceptable operations
void wait_memory_target_live (VM ref) Deprecated

Wait for a running VM to reach its current memory target

Parameters: VM ref self The VM

Minimum role:   read-only

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   Wait for a running VM to reach its current memory target

Deprecated in:  XenServer 5.6   

Class: VM_appliance

VM appliance



Values: start   Start

clean_shutdown  Clean shutdown

hard_shutdown   Hard shutdown

shutdown    Shutdown


vm_appliance_operation set allowed_operations [read-only]

list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   list of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
(string → vm_appliance_operation) map current_operations [read-only]

links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   links each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
string name_description [read/write]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read/write]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VM ref set VMs [read-only]

all VMs in this appliance

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   all VMs in this appliance


void assert_can_be_recovered (VM_appliance ref, session ref)

Assert whether all SRs required to recover this VM appliance are available.

Parameters: VM_appliance ref self   The VM appliance to recover

session ref session_to  The session to which the VM appliance is to be recovered.

Minimum role:   read-only

Errors: VM_REQUIRES_SR  You attempted to run a VM on a host which doesn't have access to an SR needed by the VM. The VM has at least one VBD attached to a VDI in the SR.

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Assert whether all SRs required to recover this VM appliance are available.
void clean_shutdown (VM_appliance ref)

Perform a clean shutdown of all the VMs in the appliance

Parameters: VM_appliance ref self   The VM appliance

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: OPERATION_PARTIALLY_FAILED  Some VMs belonging to the appliance threw an exception while carrying out the specified operation

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Perform a clean shutdown of all the VMs in the appliance
SR ref set get_SRs_required_for_recovery (VM_appliance ref, session ref)

Get the list of SRs required by the VM appliance to recover.

Parameters: VM_appliance ref self   The VM appliance for which the required list of SRs has to be recovered.

session ref session_to  The session to which the list of SRs have to be recovered .

Minimum role:   read-only

Result: refs for SRs required to recover the VM

Published in:   XenServer 6.5   Get the list of SRs required by the VM appliance to recover.
void hard_shutdown (VM_appliance ref)

Perform a hard shutdown of all the VMs in the appliance

Parameters: VM_appliance ref self   The VM appliance

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: OPERATION_PARTIALLY_FAILED  Some VMs belonging to the appliance threw an exception while carrying out the specified operation

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Perform a hard shutdown of all the VMs in the appliance
void recover (VM_appliance ref, session ref, bool)

Recover the VM appliance

Parameters: VM_appliance ref self   The VM appliance to recover

session ref session_to  The session to which the VM appliance is to be recovered.

bool force  Whether the VMs should replace newer versions of themselves.

Minimum role:   read-only

Errors: VM_REQUIRES_SR  You attempted to run a VM on a host which doesn't have access to an SR needed by the VM. The VM has at least one VBD attached to a VDI in the SR.

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Recover the VM appliance
void shutdown (VM_appliance ref)

For each VM in the appliance, try to shut it down cleanly. If this fails, perform a hard shutdown of the VM.

Parameters: VM_appliance ref self   The VM appliance

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: OPERATION_PARTIALLY_FAILED  Some VMs belonging to the appliance threw an exception while carrying out the specified operation

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   For each VM in the appliance, try to shut it down cleanly. If this fails, perform a hard shutdown of the VM.
void start (VM_appliance ref, bool)

Start all VMs in the appliance

Parameters: VM_appliance ref self   The VM appliance

bool paused Instantiate all VMs belonging to this appliance in paused state if set to true.

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Errors: OPERATION_PARTIALLY_FAILED  Some VMs belonging to the appliance threw an exception while carrying out the specified operation

Published in:   XenServer 6.0   Start all VMs in the appliance

Class: VM_guest_metrics

The metrics reported by the guest (as opposed to inferred from outside)



Values: yes Known to be true

no  Known to be false

unspecified Unknown or unspecified


tristate_type can_use_hotplug_vbd [read-only]

The guest's statement of whether it supports VBD hotplug, i.e. whether it is capable of responding immediately to instantiation of a new VBD by bringing online a new PV block device. If the guest states that it is not capable, then the VBD plug and unplug operations will not be allowed while the guest is running.

Default value:  unspecified

Published in:   Unreleased  To be used where relevant and available instead of checking PV driver version.
tristate_type can_use_hotplug_vif [read-only]

The guest's statement of whether it supports VIF hotplug, i.e. whether it is capable of responding immediately to instantiation of a new VIF by bringing online a new PV network device. If the guest states that it is not capable, then the VIF plug and unplug operations will not be allowed while the guest is running.

Default value:  unspecified

Published in:   Unreleased  To be used where relevant and available instead of checking PV driver version.
(string → string) map disks [read-only] Removed

This field exists but has no data.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Disk configuration/free space

Removed in: XenServer 5.0   No data

datetime last_updated [read-only]

Time at which this information was last updated

Published in: XenServer 4.0 Time at which this information was last updated

bool live [read-only]

True if the guest is sending heartbeat messages via the guest agent

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   True if the guest is sending heartbeat messages via the guest agent
(string → string) map memory [read-only] Removed

This field exists but has no data. Use the memory and memory_internal_free RRD data-sources instead.

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   free/used/total

Removed in: XenServer 5.5   Disabled in favour of the RRDs, to improve scalability
(string → string) map networks [read-only]

network configuration

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   network configuration
(string → string) map os_version [read-only]

version of the OS

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   version of the OS
(string → string) map other [read-only]

anything else

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   anything else
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   additional configuration
bool PV_drivers_detected [read-only]

At least one of the guest's devices has successfully connected to the backend.

Default value:  false

Published in:   Unreleased  
bool PV_drivers_up_to_date [read-only] Deprecated

Logically equivalent to PV_drivers_detected

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   true if the PV drivers appear to be up to date

Deprecated in:  Unreleased  Deprecated in favour of PV_drivers_detected, and redefined in terms of it
(string → string) map PV_drivers_version [read-only]

version of the PV drivers

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   version of the PV drivers
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference



Class: VM_metrics

The metrics associated with a VM


datetime install_time [read-only]

Time at which the VM was installed

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which the VM was installed
datetime last_updated [read-only]

Time at which this information was last updated

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which this information was last updated
int memory_actual [read-only]

Guest's actual memory (bytes)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Guest's actual memory (bytes)
(string → string) map other_config [read/write]

additional configuration

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.0   additional configuration
datetime start_time [read-only]

Time at which this VM was last booted

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Time at which this VM was last booted
string set state [read-only]

The state of the guest, eg blocked, dying etc

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The state of the guest, eg blocked, dying etc
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
(int → int) map VCPUs_CPU [read-only]

VCPU to PCPU map

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   VCPU to PCPU map
(int → string set) map VCPUs_flags [read-only]

CPU flags (blocked,online,running)

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   CPU flags (blocked,online,running)
int VCPUs_number [read-only]

Current number of VCPUs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Current number of VCPUs
(string → string) map VCPUs_params [read-only]

The live equivalent to VM.VCPUs_params

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   The live equivalent to VM.VCPUs_params
(int → float) map VCPUs_utilisation [read-only]

Utilisation for all of guest's current VCPUs

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Utilisation for all of guest's current VCPUs



Class: VMPP

VM Protection Policy



Values: never   Never archive

always_after_backup Archive after backup

daily   Daily archives

weekly  Weekly backups

Values: none    No target config

cifs    CIFS target config

nfs NFS target config

Values: hourly  Hourly backups

daily   Daily backups

weekly  Weekly backups

Values: snapshot    The backup is a snapshot

checkpoint  The backup is a checkpoint


(string → string) map alarm_config [read-only] Removed

configuration for the alarm

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
vmpp_archive_frequency archive_frequency [read-only] Removed

frequency of the archive schedule

Default value:  never

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
datetime archive_last_run_time [read-only] Removed

time of the last archive

Default value:  19700101T00:00:00Z

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
(string → string) map archive_schedule [read-only] Removed

schedule of the archive containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
(string → string) map archive_target_config [read-only] Removed

configuration for the archive, including its 'location', 'username', 'password'

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
vmpp_archive_target_type archive_target_type [read-only] Removed

type of the archive target config

Default value:  none

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
vmpp_backup_frequency backup_frequency [read-only] Removed

frequency of the backup schedule

Default value:  daily

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
datetime backup_last_run_time [read-only] Removed

time of the last backup

Default value:  19700101T00:00:00Z

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
int backup_retention_value [read-only] Removed

maximum number of backups that should be stored at any time

Default value:  7

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
(string → string) map backup_schedule [read-only] Removed

schedule of the backup containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
vmpp_backup_type backup_type [read/write] Removed

type of the backup sub-policy

Default value:  snapshot

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
bool is_alarm_enabled [read-only] Removed

true if alarm is enabled for this policy

Default value:  false

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
bool is_archive_running [read-only] Removed

true if this protection policy's archive is running

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
bool is_backup_running [read-only] Removed

true if this protection policy's backup is running

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
bool is_policy_enabled [read/write] Removed

enable or disable this policy

Default value:  true

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
string name_description [read/write]

a notes field containing human-readable description

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a notes field containing human-readable description
string name_label [read/write]

a human-readable name

Default value:  ""

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   a human-readable name
string set recent_alerts [read-only] Removed

recent alerts

Default value:  {}

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
string uuid [read-only] Removed

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
VM ref set VMs [read-only] Removed

all VMs attached to this protection policy

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed


void add_to_alarm_config (VMPP ref, string, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to add

string value    the value to add

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void add_to_archive_schedule (VMPP ref, string, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to add

string value    the value to add

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void add_to_archive_target_config (VMPP ref, string, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to add

string value    the value to add

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void add_to_backup_schedule (VMPP ref, string, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to add

string value    the value to add

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
string archive_now (VM ref) Removed

This call archives the snapshot provided as a parameter

Parameters: VM ref snapshot The snapshot to archive

Minimum role:   vm-power-admin

Result: An XMLRPC result

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
string set get_alerts (VMPP ref, int) Removed

This call fetches a history of alerts for a given protection policy

Parameters: VMPP ref vmpp   The protection policy

int hours_from_now  how many hours in the past the oldest record to fetch is

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: A list of alerts encoded in xml

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
string protect_now (VMPP ref) Removed

This call executes the protection policy immediately

Parameters: VMPP ref vmpp   The protection policy to execute

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Result: An XMLRPC result

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void remove_from_alarm_config (VMPP ref, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to remove

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void remove_from_archive_schedule (VMPP ref, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to remove

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void remove_from_archive_target_config (VMPP ref, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to remove

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void remove_from_backup_schedule (VMPP ref, string) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

string key  the key to remove

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_alarm_config (VMPP ref, (string → string) map) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

(string → string) map value the value to set

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_archive_frequency (VMPP ref, vmpp_archive_frequency) Removed

Set the value of the archive_frequency field

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

vmpp_archive_frequency value    the archive frequency

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_archive_last_run_time (VMPP ref, datetime) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

datetime value  the value to set

Minimum role:   undefined

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_archive_schedule (VMPP ref, (string → string) map) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

(string → string) map value the value to set

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_archive_target_config (VMPP ref, (string → string) map) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

(string → string) map value the value to set

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_archive_target_type (VMPP ref, vmpp_archive_target_type) Removed

Set the value of the archive_target_config_type field

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

vmpp_archive_target_type value  the archive target config type

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_backup_frequency (VMPP ref, vmpp_backup_frequency) Removed

Set the value of the backup_frequency field

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

vmpp_backup_frequency value the backup frequency

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_backup_last_run_time (VMPP ref, datetime) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

datetime value  the value to set

Minimum role:   undefined

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_backup_retention_value (VMPP ref, int) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

int value   the value to set

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_backup_schedule (VMPP ref, (string → string) map) Removed

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

(string → string) map value the value to set

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed
void set_is_alarm_enabled (VMPP ref, bool) Removed

Set the value of the is_alarm_enabled field

Parameters: VMPP ref self   The protection policy

bool value  true if alarm is enabled for this policy

Minimum role:   pool-operator

Published in:   XenServer 5.6 FP1   

Removed in: XenServer 6.2   The VMPR feature was removed

Class: VTPM

A virtual TPM device


VM ref backend [read-only]

the domain where the backend is located

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the domain where the backend is located
string uuid [read-only]

Unique identifier/object reference

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   Unique identifier/object reference
VM ref VM [read-only]

the virtual machine

Published in:   XenServer 4.0   the virtual machine

