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# about_Broker_ConfigurationSlots


Citrix Broker SDK - Configuration Slots and Machine Configurations


Overview of assigning a collection of related settings to a desktop group.


Collections of related settings may be applied to individual desktop groups 
through the creation of configuration slots and machine configurations.

A configuration slot defines a collection of related settings that are to be 
associated with that slot. Each machine configuration is associated with a 
single configuration slot and provides specific values for settings of that 

The SettingsGroup property of the configuration slot determines the 
particular collection of related settings that are associated with that 
slot. These groups are defined by Citrix and are not modifiable by 
administrators. For example, there is a particular group of Profile 
management specific settings that may be associated with a configuration 
slot. Because of the close association between a configuration slot and its 
collection of related settings, the full set of configuration slots is 
created during the site creation.

Each machine configuration is associated with a single configuration slot. 
The machine configuration contains policy data that provides specific values 
for the settings associated with that configuration slot.

Every value set in a machine configuration's policy must belong to the 
configuration slot's settings group. Therefore the appropriate SDK snap-in 
must be used to create the policy data. For example, the Profile management 
snap-in must be used to create the policy data for a machine configuration 
associated with the Profile management configuration slot.

To have particular policy settings applied to the machines in a desktop 
group, a machine configuration is associated with that desktop group. A 
machine configuration may be associated with multiple desktop groups. A 
desktop group may be associated with multiple machine configurations.

When a machine configuration is associated with a desktop group, the 
configuration inherits the delegated administration restrictions of the 
desktop group. Thus, if a machine configuration is associated with multiple 
desktop groups, an administrator can only modify the policy data of the 
configuration if the administrator has permission to modify every one of 
those desktop groups.

For detailed information about defining and assigning machine 
configurations, see: 
    help New-BrokerMachineConfiguration 
    help Add-BrokerMachineConfiguration

